Reach Report | Spatial Patterns Of Serial Murder: An Analysis of Disposal Site Location Choice


Although the murders committed by serial killers may not be considered rational, there is growing evidence that the locations in which they commit their crimes may be guided by an implicit, if limited rationality.

The hypothesized logic of disposal site choice of serial killers led to predictions that (a) their criminal domains would be around their home base and relate to familiar travel distances, (b) they would have a size that was characteristic of each offender, (c) the distribution would be biased towards other non‐criminal activities, and (d) the size of the domains would increase over time.

Examination of the geographical distribution of the sites at which 126 US and 29 UK serial killers disposed of their victims' bodies supported all four hypotheses. It was found that rational choice and routine activity models of criminal behavior could explain the spatial choices of serial murderers. It was concluded that the locations at which serial killers dispose of their victims' bodies

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Serial Murder: A Forensic Psychiatric Perspective

When law enforcement apprehends a serial murderer, the event is consistently the focus of unswerving media coverage. For local communities, the ordeal can be particularly shocking and upsetting. Residents living in a community that is exposed to serial murder may even experience posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms for varying periods of time (Herkov and Beirnat, 1997). Over the past three decades, our society has become fascinated by the phenomenon of serial murder as evidenced by the numerous books, movies and television shows on the subject. Yet, despite the high level of interest, there is no current theory that adequately explains the etiology of serial murder (Holmes et al., 2002). This Is primarily due to the fact that serial murder is an event with an extremely low base rate and therefore is difficult to study via rigorous scientific methods (Dietz, 1986). While serial murder is a universally terrifying concept, it is an extraordinarily rare event. In a study of the frequency of serial sexual homicide

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A Matched Cases Control Study of Convenience Store Robbery Risk Factors


Convenience store clerks have been shown to be at high risk for assault and homicide, mostly owing to robbery or robbery attempts. Although the literature consistently indicates that at least some environmental designs are effective deterrents of robbery, the significance of individual interventions and policies has differed across past studies. To address these issues, a matched case-control study of 400 convenience store robberies in three metropolitan areas of Virginia was conducted. Conditional logistic regression was implemented to evaluate the significance of various environmental designs and other factors possibly related to convenience store robbery. Findings indicate that numerous characteristics of the surrounding environment and population were significantly associated with convenience store robbery. Results also showed that, on a univariate level, most crime prevention factors were significantly associated with a lower risk for robbery. Using a forward selection process, a multivariate model, which included cash handling policy, bullet-resistant shielding, and numerous characteristics of the surrounding area and population, was identified. This study

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Auto Erotic Hanging Brought As A Case Of Suicidal Hanging – A Case Report


A rare case of auto erotic hanging brought as a case of suicidal partial hanging is reported in this paper. Hanging is usually considered suicidal if not proved otherwise. The findings which were corroborative of auto erotic hanging decided that this was a case of accidental and not suicidal hanging.


Accidental hanging in the course of some abnormal sexual practice has certain characteristics which are virtually specific. The victims are exclusively males. Some are nude, some are attired in female garments and others, if normally clothed, may have opened their trousers and there is evidence of manipulation or bandaging of the genitals. Protection of the neck is by soft material, a handkerchief, vest or other cloth, interposed between the ligature and the skin of the neck [1].

CASE REPORT: One day, it was reported to the police that a constable of the 1st IRB (Indian Reserve Battalion) posted at Imphal was found hanging in the morning Inside his quarter.

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Narcoanalysis and Truth Serum

Much publicity has been given to the use of drugs in obtaining confessions from suspected criminals. The term "truth serum" suggests the existence of a drug with the remarkable property of eliciting the truth. The reputation enjoyed by truth se- rum is based on spectacular newspaper reports rather than on carefully documented case reports in professional medical or legal journals. The test is sometimes used by law enforcement officers, but it is doubtful whether it is as useful as popular belief would suggest. The description truth serum is misleading as the drug used is not a serum, and it does not always lead to the truth. Formerly scopalamine was used, but today a barbiturate drug, such as sodium amytal, is usually employed. The test may not be performed unless the suspect willingly gives his consent. The drug is injected slowly into a vein in order to induce a relaxed state of mind in which the suspect becomes more talkative and has less emotional control.

Additional Resource: Narcoanalysis and Truth Serum (3485 downloads )

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Certain Factors Pertaining to the Value of Narcoanalysis in Securing Testimony

FOR centuries it has been known that certain drugs such as alcohol, hashish, mescal, cocaine, opiates and others could in varying degrees reduce an individual's conscious self-control and volition and might cause him to reveal feelings, experiences and ideas which he otherwise would not express. The Latin expression "in vino veritas" illustrates that the ancient Romans were aware of such effects. Not only are the psychic inhibitory functions af- fected varyingly by the above drugs, but further, the capacity to experience danger or threat to one's security is altered. For instance, there is a reduction in the awareness of disturbing feelings of anxiety and guilt which often underlie inhibitory defensive reactions. In more recent years, certain rapidly acting barbiturates such as sodium amytal and pentothal administered intravenously were found to be particularly useful for such purposes. In World War II, psychiatrists made extensive use of these two barbiturates, particularly for purposes of abreaction and catharsis of traumatic emotional experiences result

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Moment Of Truth: Medical Ethics And Human Rights In Narcoanalysis

The Supreme Court has declared illegal the use of medical technologies for investigation of individuals without their consent and several safeguards. Nevertheless, narcoanalysis, brain mapping and other medical technologies continue to be used. The participation of doctors in these practices erodes the very core of the medical profession, writes Amar Jesani

I did not know Dr Ramanadham personally, though he was active at the same time I was in the trade union and human rights movements. His work inspired many of us, for the involvement of medical professionals in doing something progressive is quite rare in India. Amongst such rare doctors today is Dr Binayak Sen, who has used his professional skills only for the poor, and involved himself in human rights work (he was imprisoned on false charges by the Chhattisgarh government). Incidentally, both Dr Ramanadham and Dr Sen specialised as paediatricians.

The participation of some doctors in the violation of democratic rights or in conservative and anti-people activities is

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High Strength Synthetic Fiber Ropes


Chapter 3 describes ropes made from high strength synthetic materials for oceanographic towing, mooring and lifting. The chapter is broken in four main sections.
High strength synthetic rope compared to wire
Materials available for rope construction
Constructional changes that alter rope performance
Summary and Reference Material


A primary advantage of Synthetic Fiber Rope is their lightweight. Lightweight lines are easier to handle and reduce topside weight. High Strength Synthetic Fiber Rope also can be used in greater depths than wire.

2.A Weight Comparison

Kevlar density is less than 1/5 that of steel and Spectra's density is less than 1/8 that of steel. A 1" Kevlar, Spectra, and wire each have approximately 125,000 pound break strength. However, the weight per 100/ft is very different:...

2.B Payload Comparison in Water

There are significant weight savings when synthetic rope is used in water. As stated above, Kevlar rope is u

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Fatal Falls from a Height: Two Case Studies


Two case studies are presented involving fatal falls of adult females from a height. One involved a launch at low speed from a balcony, and one involved a launch at high speed from the top of a cliff. Crime scene evidence obtained on the balcony itself provided a strong indication of homicide, but subsequent investigation showed that the fall was accidental. No crime scene evidence was obtained for the cliff fall since the fall initially appeared to be just another suicide from a popular suicide spot. Subsequent investigations indicated homicide based on measurements of cliff height, horizontal distance to the impact, and available runup distance, plus measurements of possible run, jump, and throw speeds. It was found that a female weighing 61 kg (134 lb) can be thrown at speeds up to 4.85 m/s by a strong male, more than enough to account for the estimated launch speed (4.5 m/s). Given the available 4.0 m runup distance, it was found that

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Forensic Physics 101: Falls from a Height


A recent innovation in some physics departments is the introduction of courses on forensicphysics.Topics of interest include motor vehicle accidents, trajectories of bullets, fire and explosion investigation, and materials identification and imaging methods. Another topic that could be used to illustrate a forensic application of Newton’s laws is the physics of falls from a height involving serious injury or death. Fatal falls are mostly accidental and commonly involve falling from or down objects such as a ladder, tree, stairs, balcony, or a construction site. Falling from a height is surprisingly common, accounting for about one in eight work related deaths. During 1997–2000, 1643 people fell off flat roofed houses in the south-east part of Turkey. Between 1937 and 1981, 720 people fell or jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. Falls from a height are generally a safety issue, but can also be an issue for the police. Over the last five years I have

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Promoting Effective Homicide Investigations



In 2006, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) hosted two conferences addressing violent crime: the “Promoting Effective Homicide Investigations” (May 25 and 26) and the “National Violent Crime Sum- mit” (August 30). Both were instrumental in understanding violent crime in the United States, as well as national and local initiatives to reduce it.1 The primary goal of this document is to improve homicide investigations by exploring law enforcement agency practices and examining relatively new procedures that may lead to more effective investigations. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) report of 2005 crime data showed a 2.4 percent nationwide increase in homicides from 2004.The FBI’s preliminary numbers for 2006 indicate a continued upward trend in homicides in cities across the nation. For example, during the period 2004 to 2006, homicides increased by 38 percent in Cleveland. Other cities with significant increases in homicides in that period include Cincinnati (41 percent), Houston (37 percent), Las Vegas (16 percent),

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Solicitation: Research and Development on Forensic Crime Scene and Medicolegal Death Investigations

Specific Information Research and Development on Forensic Crime

Scene and Medicolegal Death Investigations

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and development to enhance forensic crime scene examinations and forensic medicolegal investigations of death. This solicitation focuses on:
New or improved forensic tools and technologies that will allow for the detection and identification of evidence at a crime scene; e.g., latent prints, blood spatter, blood, semen, hairs, fibers, gun shot residue, explosive residue, fire debris, and impression evidence including:

– Smaller, more rugged, and less labor-intensive non-destructive analytical tools and technologies for the onsite presumptive and/or confirmatory analysis of forensic evidence at a crime scene.

– Improved means to locate, identify, capture, and stabilize samples (kit development), which are applicable to trace particulate, liquid, chemical, and biological evidence, and

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Systolic and Diastolic Heart Failure: Differences and Similarities


Background: Diastolic heart failure (DHF) and systolic heart failure (SHF) are clinical subsets of the syndrome of chronic heart failure that are most commonly encountered in clinical practice. Methods and Results: The clinically overt DHF and SHF appear to be separate syndromes with distinctive morphologic and functional changes although signs, symptoms, and prognosis are very similar. In DHF, the left ventricle is not dilated and the ejection fraction is preserved. In contrast in SHF, it is dilated and the ejection fraction is reduced. The neurohormonal abnormalities in DHF and SHF appear to be similar. The stimuli and the signals that ultimately produce these different phenotypes of chronic heart failure remain, presently, largely unknown. Conclusions: Although there has been considerable progress in the management of SHF, the management of DHF remains mostly empirical because of lack of knowledge of the molecular and biochemical mechanisms which produce myocardial structural and functional changes in this syndrome. Further research

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Overview of Adult Traumatic Brain Injuries


Trauma is a leading cause of death in the adult population. Approximately one half of all adults who have died from a trauma injury sustained a head injury. Of those 50%, approximately half are admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of a head injury. Head injuries are associated with approximately 50% of all motor vehicle crashes. Risk-taking behaviors can also lead to accidents that cause head injuries and include: alcohol intake, mind-altering drugs, improper use or non-use of safety equipment in motor vehicles, motorcycles (helmets), bicycles (helmets), and participation in contact sports. If a detailed history is unavailable and the patient is unconscious, then the loss of consciousness may have preceded and/or caused the injury.Anatomy , Physiology The components of the head and brain affected by head injuries include the scalp, skull, facial bones, brain tissue, meninges, blood brain barrier, intravascular component (blood in blood vessels), and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). Scalp Injuries to the scalp are usuall...

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Injuries & Its Medico Legal Injuries & Its Medico Legal Aspect


Injury is also known as trauma or wound and can be defined legally as any harm whatsoever in nature caused illegally to the body, mind, reputation or property (Bhullar, 2007). Medicolegally (clinically) it is defined as breach or dissolution of the natural continuity of any of the tissues of a living body by actual physical violence. The legal aspect views trauma in two forms, simple and grievous while medicolegally trauma has various types’ mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical/lightening, radiation (Bhullar, 2007). The mode of injury could be suicidal, homicidal or accidental. Doctors should therefore be abreast with medico-legal procedures to identify and differentiate failed homicidal, suicidal from accidental cases. This will go a long way to wholishically manage a patient, as they may eventually succeed in their attempts leading to deaths if not properly managed. Injuries of medicalegal importance include:
1. Hesitation cuts/tentative cuts: These are parallel superficial cuts suggestive of suicidal nature, seen in the (precordial area), wrist etc....

Additional Resource: Medicolegal Notes in Injuries, an Emerging Clinical Importance (2637 downloads )

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Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)

In order to assist countries in conducting non-clinical research and drug development, TDR developed a Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) series in 2001, comprising a GLP Handbook as well as GLP Training manuals for trainers and trainees. The demand for this series was so substantial that it became one of the most frequent “hits” on the TDR website, generating interest and demand for a second edition. This Second-edition GLP series is presented here in a revised and updated format. It supports continued technology transfer and capacity-building in disease endemic countries (DECs) in line with the aims of the recent World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA 61.21) on a Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property WHO | Public Health, Innovation, Intellectual Property and Trade This Second-edition GLP Handbook contains all of the required support material for implementing GLP in a laboratory. The handbook comprises four parts, all updated, including: 1) explanation of the fundamentals of GLP; 2) support for GLP training; 3)...

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