Amber Lee Hill

Stanton Woman Victim Of Foul Play


Amber Lee Hill

Friends and family worried when Amber Lee Hill vanished after she finished work at around 6am on January 9, 2007.  The 38-year-old had completed

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Human Mate Poaching


Mate poaching refers to efforts to attract people who are already involved in committed relationships. The current dyadic, 5-week prospective study examined mate poaching behaviors in the context of opposite-sex friendships. Actors’ mate poaching behaviors predicted decreases in their friend’s commitment to their romantic partners, increases in their friend’s perceptions of actors’ mate value, and increases in their friend’s romantic desire for actors over time. These results are the first to suggest an interpersonal process in which mate poaching behaviors elicit psychological changes in targets that facilitate actors’ mate poaching goals. Furthermore, these results are the first to demonstrate the effectiveness of mate poaching tactics in friendships.

Additional Resource: Human Mate Poaching Tactics Are Effective: Evidence From a Dyadic Prospective Study on Opposite-Sex “Friendships”

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Legal Strangers and the Duty of Support: Beyond the Biological Tie – But How Far Beyond the Marital Tie?

In 1998, Paula Johnson and Carlton Conley discovered that the child they thought was their biological daughter was not biologically related to them.' This child, Callie Marie Conley, had been switched within days of her birth with their own biological daughter at the hospital where both girls were born.' The discovery of the mistaken identities occurred only after Ms. Johnson had initiated a hearing for a formal child support order. Callie had been born while Johnson and Conley were living together as unmarried cohabitants. After they discontinued this living arrangement, Mr. Conley voluntarily paid child support. When they disagreed about the amount that he should be paying, Ms. Johnson initiated the hearing for court-ordered support." As a stalling tactic to delay the hearing, and which he admitted was such, Mr. Conley disputed for the first time that Callie was not his biological child. Paternity and maternity tests eventually proved that neither he nor Ms. Johnson was Callie's biological parent. They eventually learned their biological daughter's...

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The IUD Rumor Mill: Common Misconceptions

Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), which includes both subcutaneous implants and intrauterine devices (IUDs), is the most effective form of contraception. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants who are knowledgeable about IUDs and can anticipate the concerns of patients and other providers are well-positioned to increase IUD use. This may help decrease the number of unplanned pregnancies in the United States.

Around the world, rates of IUD usage are high; for instance, rates in Uzbekistan are 50%, in Vietnam 31%, in China 41%, in Egypt 36%, and in Finland 23%.1 However, in the United States, only 5.2% of women of reproductive age use IUDs.1 This is despite the fact that methods of LARC are the most effective form of birth control aside from abstinence and have an efficacy rate of more than 99%.2 Like vasectomy and female sterilization, methods of LARC are rated Tier 1, the most effective form of contraception, by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.3

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Superbike Motorsports Quadruple Murder

A 32-year-old man who served 14 years in prison for a violent crime in Arizona paid $9,000 for a 2003 Suzuki GSX-R750 at Superbike Motorsports in Chesnee on April 16, 2003. He reported the blue-and-white motorcycle with a black stripe stolen 13 days later and told neighbors that he suspected the bike shop was involved. Less than seven months later on the afternoon of Nov. 6, 2003, he shot and killed four people at the shop, according to his confession and guilty pleas that have left him serving seven consecutive life sentences plus 60 years. He was documented to be among Superbike customers, but was never interviewed or questioned in connection to the case until he had killed three others nearly 13 years later. His name is Todd Kohlhepp. Kohlhepp, now 46, is the registered sex offender and former real-estate agent who was arrested Nov. 3, 2016, as the Anderson police and Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office were investigating a missing-persons case.

Additional Resource: Todd Kohlhepp and Superbike: Doubts, no doubt, how and why

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Analysis of Blast Loads on Buildings

Analytic techniques and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software programs are currently in use for assessing the blast loads on military structures for a variety of situations. These approaches, of necessity, are now being extended to the calculation of explosion-structure interaction problems where the loadings are not upon hardened military targets but rather on civilian structures. This has become of great importance as high explosive bomb attacks have been increasingly directed against many commercial, financial and civic centers consisting of buildings of conventional, "soft" construction. One aspect in the protection of such structures is the accurate prediction of the blast loadings on structural components using analytic or advanced numerical tools taking into account the complexity of the building, its geometry and the surrounding environment. Such an understanding of the loads can help define building protection options such as selection of materials, relocation of building services, siting, and construction techniques. Various different numerical and analytic techniques are discussed and illustrated by example...

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School Based Mental Health

Definition of School-Based Mental Health
The term “school-based mental health” has become a commonly used phrase much like the phrase “community-based mental health services” or “less restrictive environment.” These terms appear to have a common meaning among the professionals that use them without any further specification needed. However, as concepts evolve from rhetoric to actual implementation, definitions and clarity of the parameters of the concept become more important. This was the case with the term “community-based,” as advocates pressed for mental health services for children to become less restrictive (e.g., non-hospital based) and move to community-based services. However, it was soon realized that some hospital-based services could also be community-based and the concept of “community-based” was refined to include any necessary resource that could involve the family and was the least restrictive environment available to address the needs of the child. The term “school-based mental health services” now needs a clearer conceptual framework. The term has generally come to be understood as any...

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Finders Cult of Washington, D.C.,


Little is known or been written about an enormously significant event that took place just over three decades ago involving a bizarre cult called the Finders. This presentation will examine all available documented evidence that includes recent, never before released public records from the police and US Customs investigations.[1] Other than a couple conspicuous mainstream media articles from February 1987 and a final follow-up in 1994, the critical importance of this “mysterious” group sometimes called “Finders Keepers” and its operation have largely been lost to the public. Despite the name – Finders Keepers – denoting procurers or finders of children kept as pedophile slaves, the CIA front that trafficked children for the elite has by careful design remained an obscure, strange footnote in history. But this gross omission conveniently disregards the compelling evidence acting as tangible proof that the Finders was a CIA front organization caught in the act of abducting and moving very young children across both US state lines...

Additional Resource: The “finders” Cult: A Cia Front Caught Red-handed In 1987 Trafficking Child Sex Slaves In Global Operation

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The Influence of Afrocentric Facial Features in Criminal Sentencing


Prior research has shown that within a racial category, people with more Afrocentric facial features are presumed more likely to have traits that are stereotypic of Black Americans compared with people with less Afrocentric features. The present study investigated whether this form of feature based stereotyping might be observed in criminal-sentencing decisions. Analysis of a random sample of inmate records showed that Black and White inmates, given equivalent criminal histories, received roughly equivalent sentences. However, within each race, inmates with more Afrocentric features received harsher sentences than those with less Afrocentric features. These results are consistent with laboratory findings, and they suggest that although racial stereotyping as a function of racial category has been successfully removed from sentencing decisions, racial stereotyping based on the facial features of the offender is a form of bias that is largely overlooked. Stereotypes are commonly defined as widely shared beliefs about the attributes of social groups (Fiske, 1998; Judd & Park, 1993). As such, they are assumed to influence...

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