Casting Credibility: Patterns of Audience Assessment of TV News Programs

In 2010 the annual survey of Nielsen Media Research reported that 91% of 2,000 polled respondents obtained information from television (TV), compared to only 65% from radio, 58% from outdoor advertising, 15% for print media, and 9% from magazines. Further, an estimated one-fi fth did not read newspapers because TV was their preferred medium. Six years earlier, a Pulse Asia survey reported that 63% considered TV the most credible source of news and information, leaving behind radio (20%) and newspaper (5%). In 1999, TV’s credibility rating was only at 53%, with radio at 35%, and newspaper at 27% (as cited by Arao, 2004). Television (TV) continues to be the preferred source of information in the Philippines.  e technological features of a media channel are among the key factors that affect its credibility. Studies have shown that TV’s visual nature enhances the audience’s perceived trustworthiness, compared to...

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