Trends in Outside Support for Insurgent Movements

The most useful forms of outside support for an insurgent movement include safe havens, financial support, political backing, and direct military assistance. Because states are able to provide all of these types of assistance, their support has had a profound impact on the effectiveness of many rebel movements since the end of the Cold War. However, state support is no longer the only, or indeed necessarily the most important, game in town. Diasporas have played a particularly important role in sustaining several strong insurgencies. More rarely, refugees, guerrilla groups, or other types of non-state supporters play a significant role in creating or sustaining an insurgency, offering fighters, training, or other forms of assistance. This report assesses post-Cold War trends in external support for insurgent movements. It describes the frequency that states, diasporas, refugees, and other non-state actors back guerrilla movements. It also assesses the motivations of these actors and which types of support matter most. This book concludes by assessing the implications for analysts of insurgent movements.

Additional Resource: Trends in Outside Support for Insurgent Movements

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The Honorable Jim Burnett Coroner, Spartanburg County

In a letter to this Office you referenced a provision in recently-enacted legislation, R-356, which states: (c)opies of death certificates may be issued to members of the deceased's family or their respective legal representatives. Others who demonstrate a direct and tangible interest may be issued copies when information is needed for the determination of a personal or property right. Other applicants may be provided with a statement that the death occurred, the date, and county of death. However, when fifty years have elapsed after the date of death, these records become public records and any person may obtain copies upon submission of an application containing sufficient information to locate the record. You stated that the Book of Inquisition maintained by your office contains the same information provided on death certificates in addition to autopsy results, results of toxicological studies, and the cause of death. You questioned whether the Book of Inquisition remains open in light of the provision cited above which generally restricts the availability...

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The Field Expedient Bleeding Simulation System

At times, casualty play is conducted to “monitor” the logistics needed to treat and evacuate casualties on the battlefield. Usually, live casualties are “tagged” in the field, verbally treated, and evacuated to see if logistically the equipment needed is in place. Units will “finger drill” these actions and often times receive high marks, giving leaders a false sense of security. They “believe” that when actual casualties are received, their Unit will be successful in treating and evacuating injured Soldiers from chaos. Why not create chaos and know for sure?? SKEDCO has trained multiple Army units with the FEBSSTM. We have found that even with the BEST medical personnel, errors are still made in a chaotic situation. The FEBSSTM allows you to create chaos physically through casualty simulation. Moreover, Medics are trained psychologically with the addition of the key element of chaos – BLOOD! With the simple addition of blood, unseasoned medical personnel get “tunnel vision” and panic...

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The Problem of the Blue-Collar Worker

The social and economic status of blue-collar workers has become a subject of increasing concern in the last few years. Recent reports have identified the economic insecurity and alienation which whites in this group have felt. What such reports have failed to note is that there are some two million minority-group males who are skilled or semi-skilled blue-collar workers who are full-time members of the work force and who share many of the same problems as whites in their income class. This nonwhite group also shares the same concern as white workers for law and order and other middle-class values. Many have moved from subemployment to low-income entry-level jobs, but they now feel blocked from further opportunity. In 1968, 34 percent of all minority-group families were in the $5,000 to $10,000 income category. Of course, on the average, most black families are still not anywhere as well off as white families: The median income of all Negro families was $5,590, that of all white families...

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Desoto County School District’s New Gang Policy

The Following Is A List Of Prohibited Gang Signs, Symbols, Signals, Words And Conduct Prohibited.

Notwithstanding, anything to the contrary contained herein, nothing contained herein prohibits the display of recognized religious symbols such as, the Star of David or the Crescent or the Cross unless these, or other religious symbols, are altered or augmented in some way. Further, nothing contained herein shall prohibit wearing of clothing of particular colors, in and of itself, unless the clothing (color or otherwise) is worn in combination with other prohibited gang signs or symbols. The wearing or displaying in any manner of gang names however is prohibited.

Prohibited “gang symbols” may include, any type of clothing decoration, jewelry, patches, bandanas, gang names, depiction of gang signs or symbols, and/or body signal/movement which is recognized as denoting a gang or is a sign, signal or movement utilized in connection with gang communications, including, but not limited to thuse appearing with the “Gang Awareness” pamphlet attached hereto as well as the additions thereto in the future. . School officials will keep a booklet containing known “gang symbols” in each...

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Competition and Truth in the Market for News

The political traditions, legal doctrine, and regulatory policy of the United States have all been heavily influenced by the proposition that competition in news markets promotes truth. In colonial America, the idea that truth would prevail in a competitive “marketplace of ideas” was “used continuously.... Puritans, printers, and politicians among others used the concept to justify their assaults on authority” (Smith, 1981). This proposition has been called “one of the earliest and most influential contributions to First Amendment doctrine” (Williams [2002] 2006, p. 627) and “one of the basic tenets of our national communications policy” (Federal Communications Commission, 2003). Allusions to it appear in 126 Supreme Court opinions (Hopkins, 1996) and in 87 policy documents of the Federal Communications Commission (Napoli, 1999). It has also been used as a central justification in the promotion of press freedom abroad (Islam, 2002). However, many have questioned whether press competition is so obviously beneficial. Increased market pressure is sometimes associated with...

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Deception And Dating: Knowledge Of Tactics May Improve Detection Accuracy


Previous research on deception detection has indicated that a number of factors influence accuracy. It has been hypothesized that deception and the detection of deception is highly influenced by mating context. The current study investigated sex differences in the detection of deception used in typical human mating situations. Sixty-eight females were tested for deception detection using a video paradigm in which the actors either lied or told the truth. An accompanying survey was given that evaluated common deception tactics. Contrary to previous findings, female deception detection was not significantly above chance. However, knowledge of opposite gender tactics increased deception detection such that those females that were aware of common male tactics were superior at detecting deception. The results, which are preliminary, suggest that the evolutionary advantage females have over males may have a top-down cognitive origin such that knowledge of tactics may influence perceptual abilities.

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Reducing Accident Fatalities with Rural Mayday Systems


Rural mayday systems have the potential of reducing the time between the occurrence of accidents and the notification of emergency medical services, called the accident notification time. Reductions in this time, in turn, may affect the numbers of fatalities. A statistical analysis is conducted to determine the quantitative relationship between fatalities and the accident notification tune. Using this relationship, the impact of rural mayday systems on fatalities is estimated. The economic benefits of fatality reduction are also derived.


The National Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Program Plan [l] identifies rural mayday systems as a component of the Emergency Management user service bundle. Mayday systems address the concern for highway safety by facilitating requests for emergency services in the event of vehicle breakdowns or accidents. One aim of mayday systems is to improve the timely delivery of emergency medical services (EMS) by reducing the response time for rural vehicular accidents. As a result, mayday systems arc expected to have a positive impact on reducing accident fatalities.

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The State Of South Carolina In The Supreme Court Appellate Case No. 2012-212669


Joe Perry, a reporter for The Item, a newspaper, sent a FOIA request to Harvin Bullock, the Sumter County Coroner, for the report of the autopsy performed on Aaron Leon Jacobs. Sumter County denied Perry's request on the basis that pursuant to the FOIA, the autopsy report is a "medical record" and is therefore by definition not a public record subject to disclosure.

Perry, along with Osteen Publishing Company, Inc. (collectively, Appellants), filed this declaratory judgment action against Bullock in his official capacity as Sumter County Coroner. Appellants sought injunctive relief, alleging the autopsy report is not a medical record and therefore must be disclosed pursuant to the FOIA. Appellants therefore requested production of the records and attorney's fees.

Bullock answered, asserting the records are exempt from the FOIA as medical records. He also asserted the records are subject to the authorization and consent provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104–191, 110 Stat. 1936 (HIPAA) and...

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The Development Of Victimology

The second half of the twentieth century saw the development of social concern, protest, activism, intervention, legal, political, and social services reform, research, and teaching about victims of crime. In some countries, the victim movement became an important separate political force leading to substantial reforms in many fields. It is particularly in the Anglo-Saxon world that the movement began and flourished, expanding eventually to other parts of the world. In the United States, the victim movement began in the 1970s. The women’s movement, inspired by the civil rights movement, was one of its primary moving forces. Another was the social concern about the dramatic increase in crime rates in the United States. Conservatives and right-of-center activists and politicians pointed out that the system of constitutional protections in the United States favored the suspect and the convicted criminal while it trampled on the needs of the victims denying them minimal rights and consideration. Thus, focusing on the victims became a rallying cry for a more restrictive...

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Preventive And Punitive Criminal Justice Policy Support In Trinidad: The Media’s Role


An unresolved research question regarding crime and justice policy is the relationship between an individual’s media consumption and their support for punitive and preventive criminal justice policies. The relationship between media, crime, and justice is under-examined in countries other than the United States and Britain and the relationship between media and criminal justice policy support remains less than fully understood in all locales. In response, an examination of a media policy relationship in a Western democracy not previously studied was conducted. Based on data from an October 2005 national telephone survey of Trinidad and Tobago residents, this study measured support for punitive and preventive criminal justice policies in association with crime and justice media consumption and worldviews. Multivariate analysis showed that, for Trinidadians, support for punitive policies was significantly related to perceiving television crime dramas as realistic and crime news as accurate. For preventive policy support, the same media factors plus the level of exposure to crime dramas on television were significant. Overall, media were found...

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Examining The Links Between Organised Crime And Corruption

The study Examining the links between organised crime and corruption was commissioned by the European Commission (DG JLS). This is the first study that examines systematically across all 27 EU Member States how organised crime uses corruption as a tool. The study is based on more than 150 interviews with corruption specialists (police, prosecutors, criminologists, and fraud specialists). More than 120 statistical and survey indicators on corruption and organised crime were analysed to examine the trends and patterns in organised crime’s use of corruption.

The study focuses on how organised and white collar criminals use corruption to target public institutions (politicians, police, judiciary, and customs), as well as how it is used for the operation of key criminal markets (cigarettes, drugs, prostitution, car-theft, and extortion-racketeering). The study also examines how private sector company employees are corrupted by organised criminals. Although the study does not map the specifics of how corruption is used in each EU Member State, six in-depth studies (on Bulgaria...,

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Drug Dealing in Open Air Markets – COPS Office – Department of Justice

The Problem of Drug Dealing in Privately Owned Apartment Complexes

If you have an apartment complex in your community where drug dealing is occurring, you may have found that simply making arrests has not closed the drug market. What else could be done? Why is this problem occurring? What conditions facilitate the drug market's operations, and what remedies will work best? This guidebook addresses these issues. It describes the types of drug markets found in apartment complexes and provides questions to ask when analyzing those markets. It suggests ways to encourage property owners to take more responsibility for problems. Finally, it summarizes the full range of measures you can use to address drug markets in apartment complexes.

Problem Description

Drug markets in privately owned apartment complexes are most often found in low-income areas where property owners sometimes retreat (out of fear or financial considerations) from investing in repairs and otherwise practicing effective management. In these markets, users and dealers buy and sell a wide range of illicit drugs...

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Distribution of Crime Lecture 7A

Generally speaking, crime is, fortunately, a rare event. As far as modelling is concerned, this sparsity of data means that traditional measures to quantify concentration are not appropriate when applied to crime suffered by a population. Our objective is to develop a new technique to measure the concentration of crime which takes into account its low frequency of occurrence and its high degree of concentration in such a way that this measure is comparable over time and over different populations.

This article derives an estimate of the distribution of crime suffered by a population based on a mixture model and then evaluates a new and standardised measurement of the concentration of the rates of suffering a crime based on that distribution.

The new measure is successfully applied to the incidence of robbery of a person in Mexico and is able to correctly quantify the concentration crime in such a way that is comparable between different regions and can be tracked over different time periods.

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Targets Of Predators Victims of Serial Killers

Introduction: The “less-dead”

When the novel The Silence of the Lambs was published, it became a best-seller. When the movie was made, it packed the theaters and received numerous Academy Awards. People flocked to the cinema to see the riveting performances of Sir Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster. The character of Dr. Hannibal Lecter was suddenly known everywhere, parodied on television comedy programs and the talk of the town. Hannibal Lecter, as portrayed by Hopkins, captured the public’s imagination. Why? Americans, Brits, and Russians, along with nearly all of the rest of the world, have made heroes out of not only fictional serial killers but the real serial killers among us. While their numerous victims lie in their graves, serial killers can still send the press into high gear. They are still remembered years after their crimes. Books, articles, and the press continue to produce copious amounts of ink, hanging on every word these killers say, every court action that is held on their behalf, and every excuse...

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Chloroform Answers to Frequently Asked Health Questions

What is chloroform?

Chloroform, also called trichloromethane or methyltrichloride, is a colorless liquid with a pleasant, non-irritating odor and a slightly sweet taste. As a volatile organic compound (VOC), chloroform easily vaporizes (turns into a gas) in the air. Chloroform does not easily burn, but it will burn when it reaches very high temperatures. Chloroform was one of the first inhaled anesthetics to be used during surgery, but it is not used in anesthesia today.

Where do you find chloroform?

In order to destroy the harmful bacteria found in our drinking water and waste waters, the chemical chlorine is added to these water sources. As a by-product of adding chlorine to our drinking and waste waters, small amounts of chloroform are formed. So small amounts of chloroform are likely to be found almost everywhere. In industry, nearly all the chloroform made in the U.S. is used to make other chemicals. From the factories that make or use this chemical, chloroform can...

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