Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation Due To Atypical Antipsychotic-induced Acute Dystonia: A Case Report


Dystonia is a movement disorder that causes sustained muscle contractions, repetitive twisting movements, and abnormal postures of the trunk, neck, face, arms or legs [Fahn et al. 1987]. It may be focal, segmental (multifocal), or generalized and may also be primary or secondary based on their etiology. It may manifest as oculogyric crisis, deviation of eyes in all directions, protrusion of tongue, trismus, lock jaw, torticolis, laryngeal spasm, difficulty in speaking, facial grimacing, opisthotonus, lordosis or scoliosis and tortipelvic crisis. Drug-induced dystonia are secondary dystonias which occur commonly with drugs with antidopaminergic effects such as antipsychotics and metoclopramide [Ropper and Samuels, 2009; Fadare and Owolabi, 2009]. They reportedly arise from a drug-induced alteration of dopaminergic–cholinergic balance in the nigrostriatum (i.e. basal ganglia). Most drugs produce dystonic reactions by nigrostriatal dopamine D2 receptor blockade, which leads to an excess of striatal cholinergic output. High-potency D2 receptor antagonists are most likely to produce...

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Occupational Health Guideline for Phenyl Ether

Basis for original (SCP) IDLH: No evidence of an IDLH for phenyl ether exists in the available toxicological data. Patty [1963] reported that phenyl ether’s vapors do not present a toxicological problem, but may be a nuisance because of its disagreeableness. For this draft technical standard, therefore, respirators have been selected on the basis of the assigned protection factor afforded by each device up to 100 ´ the OSHA PEL of 1 ppm (i.e., 100 ppm); only the “most protective” respirators are permitted for use in concentrations exceeding 100 ppm. High concentrations of the vapor are unlikely to be encountered in the workplace because of its high boiling point and low vapor pressure....

See Also: : CDC Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLH)

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Patients Memories Of Events During General Anaesthesia


Awareness remains a serious complication of general anaesthesia with potential adverse psychological sequelae. Even during seemingly adequate general anaesthesia, implicit memory may be retained along with the ability to subconsciously process auditory stimuli. As a result behaviour may be modified and postoperative progress influenced. We shall discuss the structure of memory and the effects of increasing doses of general anaesthesia on cognitive processes. In addition methods of assessing the depth of anaesthesia will be reviewed...

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Memory Erasure

Memory erasure is the selective artificial removal of memories or associations from the mind.

There are many reasons that research is being done on the selective removal of memories. Potential patients for this research include patients suffering from psychiatric disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder, or substance use disorder, among others.[1]

Memory erasure has been shown to be possible in some experimental conditions; some of the techniques currently being investigated are: drug-induced amnesia, selective memory suppression, destruction of neurons, interruption of memory, reconsolidation,[2] and the disruption of specific molecular mechanisms.[1]... 

Current research Drug-induced amnesia Drug-induced amnesia is the idea of selectively losing or inhibiting the creation of unwanted memories using drugs. Amnesia can be used as a treatment for patients who have experienced psychological trauma or for medical procedures where full anesthesia is not an option. Drug-induced amnesia is also a side-effect of other drugs like alcohol and rohypnol.[11]...

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The Therapist-patient Privilege: A Brief Guide For Mental Health Professionals


1. Definition. "Privilege" is a question of evidence law. It gives the patient or client the right to prevent the therapist from disclosing confidential information. It imposes no obligation upon the therapist to take the initiative in protecting the patient's confidences. The precise details of privileges --including whether therapists other than licensed clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are included -- vary considerably from state to state.

2.0. Privilege belongs to patient. The therapist-patient privilege "belongs" to the patient. In legal terms, it is like a piece of property. Only the patient can establish the privilege and take the necessary steps to assert or waive it. The mental health professional (MHP) must take his or her direction from the patient.

What is privileged?

3.0. What the patient says in a private therapy session. What the patient or client tells a therapist during a therapy session may or may not be privileged. ...

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Undercover Policing: A Psychiatrist’s Perspective


Police personnel working undercover assignments risk detection and violent retribution. In addition to this ever present danger, this work is physically, intellectually, and emotionally demanding. The anecdotal reputation of this aspect of policing is that the human cost, in terms of psychological and psychiatric sequelae, is high. Law enforcement agencies have found undercover operations to be an effective alternative, as well as a supplement, to traditional investigative approaches (Vasquez & Kelly, 1989). Since the 1960s, in the U.S.A. and elsewhere, undercover policing has secured a firm position within many law enforcement agencies. Despite the not infrequent use of police personnel in this role, there is scant literature concerning the psychological aspects of undercover policing. Girodo's 1985 paper remains the classic reference. There exists in the popular press a variety of accounts of undercover policing, and similarities may be found in the recollections of Allied agents working in occupied France during World War II (Buckmaster, 1955; Foot, 1984)....

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Undercover Policing: A Psychological And Operational Guide


Undercover policing carries a tremendous responsibility for interdicting crime and political violence by preventive infiltration of criminal organizations to disrupt their operations and bring their perpetrators to justice. As much of this process involves the skillful manipulation of human relationships, psychology has a vital role to play in all major phases of undercover work. This article will describe the role of psychological services in team formation, selection and training of undercover officers (UCOs), preparation for undercover operations, deployment and monitoring, termination and reintegration, and managing deployment stress and post-operation psychological syndromes.

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Making a Federal Case out of a Death Investigation

I. Introduction

How do you respond, as an Assistant United States Attorney, when an agent walks into your office and says, "I've got an investigation involving a death. Can that be a federal offense?" What establishes federal jurisdiction over a death case? After all, "[m]urder . . . is a quintessential example of a crime traditionally considered within the States' fundamental police powers." United States v. Drury, 344 F.3d 1089, 1101 (11th Cir. 2003). Must the death be a "murder" to constitute a federal offense? What evidentiary issues arise in these cases? What are the sentencing implications? This article is intended to provide answers to some of these questions. It is designed to arm you with some basic information so when that agent enters your office with a case involving a death, you will at least have a working knowledge of the subject matter sufficient to identify the issues and begin to...

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Interdimensional Interference In The Stroop Effect: Uncovering The Cognitive And Neural Anatomy Of Attention


In the classic Stroop effect, naming the color of an incompatible color word (e.g. the word RED printed in green ink; say, ‘green’) is much slower and more error-prone than is naming the color of a control item (e.g. XXX or CAT printed in green; say ‘green’). This seemingly simple interference phenomenon has long provided a fertile testing ground for theories of the cognitive and neural components of selective attention. We present a sketch of the behavioral phenomenon, focusing on the idea that the relative automaticity of the two dimensions determines the direction and the degree of interdimensional interference between them. We then present an outline of current parallel processing explanations that instantiate this automaticity account, and we show how existing interference data are captured by such models. We also consider how Stroop facilitation (faster response of ‘red’ to RED printed in red) can be understood....

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Mass Murder, Shooting Sprees and Rampage Violence: Research Roundup

Sandy Hook, Aurora, the Washington Navy Yard, Fort Hood, and Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. These place names signify terrible tragedies that continue to prompt deep reflection from policymakers and the public about how to stop acts of mass violence in the United States.

While FBI statistics show that levels of violent crime in the United States, including murder, have steadily declined since 1991, acts of murder and non-negligent manslaughter still claim about 15,000 lives a year. More than half of all such violent crimes in a given year are typically committed with guns. Over the past 30 years, public mass shootings have resulted in the murder of 547 people, with 476 other persons injured, according to a March 2013 Congressional Research Service report. “[W]hile tragic and shocking,” the report notes, “public mass shootings account for few of the murders or non-negligent homicides related to firearms that occur annually in the United States.”...

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Psychiatric Study Of A Mass Murderer


Careful examination including review of the psychological test data failed in our opinion to reveal evidence of psychosis. The diagnosis of sociopathic personality was based upon the history of poor social adjustment, intolerance of frustration and discipline, antisocial behavior, nomadism, poor work record, egocentricity and lack of judgment together with the findings upon examination.

His statement that he had faked insanity on his second admission to hospital and the absence of amnesia for this episode do not exclude a diagnosis of Ganser syndrome. It was our opinion, however, that the symptoms were consciously determined. On his first admission, limited attempts at simulation were seen in his responses on the projective tests and also in his claim of previous electroshock therapy. Due to lack of space, this report does not include all the findings of our examinations during the 44 days the patient was in hospital The psychological tests will be reported later in a psychological journal....

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Mass Murder and the Individual: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Perpetrators and Their Victims

Anna Ornstein, M.D. Additional Information

Professor Emerita of Child Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati; Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Institute

This paper is a revised and enlarged version of one delivered at the 17th International Congress of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy, Rome, August 24–29, 2009. Anna Ornstein, M.D. 60 Longwood Ave. Brookline, MA 02446 E-mail: annaornstein@aol.com

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Debunking the Stereotype An Examination of Mass Murder in Public Places


Much attention has been devoted in the past several years to public incidents of mass murder. Events such as the shooting on a Long Island commuter train in 1993, the massacre in Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas, in 1991, or the seemingly numerous workplace homicides have received intensive media coverage and public interest. As a consequence, a stereotype of mass murder has emerged that may or may not be very accurate. This study examines incidents of mass murder that occurred in public settings in the United States between 1965 and 1995 to more closely scrutinize both the events and the offenders involved.

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The Return of the Alienist?

Journal description

The Journal of Psychiatric Practice (formerly the Journal of Practical Psychiatry & Behavioral Health) provides up-to-date and accurate information for psychiatrists and psychologists who are providing mental health care in general private practice. This unique peer-reviewed journal combines clinically applicable reviews, case studies, and articles on treatment advances.

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Untold Stories: Creative Consequences of the Rights Clearance Culture for Documentary Filmmakers

Concept of Study

This study explores the implications of the current terms of rights acquisition on the creative process of documentary filmmaking, and makes recommendations to lower costs, reduce frustration, and promote creativity. It focuses on the creative experience of independent documentary filmmakers who work primarily within a broadcast environment (sometimes with a theatrical “window”). Independent documentary filmmakers were selected because their work regularly requires them to interact with a wide variety of rights holders, from archives for photographs and stock footage to performers to other filmmakers. This is especially clear when it is a historical documentary or one that comments on commercial popular culture, but it is an issue for most documentary filmmakers, no matter what the subject matter. When a trademark appears on a baseball cap, or a subject happens to be watching television, or a radio in the background plays a popular......

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