The Decomposition of Hair in the Buried Body Environment

The hair protein is consists mainly of such a peptides which is highly coiled-coil in structure and covalently linked peptides that's why these proteins are robust and flexible in structure (Coulomb et al., 2002;Lee et al., 2012). In crime scene investigation hair is forensically important and environmentally stable component compare to DNA (Thompson et al., 2014;Van et al., 2010;Wilson, 2008;Wilson et al., 2007). However, the extraction of DNA from hair is difficult. ...

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Legendary Lawman Jigsaw John

I've noticed that there has been a definite trend in the articles written for this column. Most of the characters have been from the old west and a great majority of them have been Texas Rangers. I know that the Rangers history is filled with tales of individual valor and remarkable feats of heroism, but I wanted to get a little closer to home: both geographically and chronologically. So here, I give you one of the LAPD's finest.

In 1986 a slightly round 67 year old LAPD Detective was working a serial homicide case as the string of dead call girls had grown to 15. John P. St. John was one of 19 detectives assigned to the murders. He was the oldest, most renowned officer the PD had to offer. A real no-kidding detective, he was both meticulous and tenacious. Sounds like the stuff legend doesn't it? "Jigsaw John" was old school even before they called it old school....

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Criteria For Homicide And Suicide On Victims Of Extended Suicide Due To Sharp Force Injury.


This report is about the findings in association with the extended suicides of nine victims killed by sharp force. All victims were killed by sharp force. The perpetrators were predominantly the parents, the victims their children. Regarding the criteria for differentiating self-inflicted injuries from injuries inflicted by another person, the victims' injuries presented patterns usually found solely in suicides. Thus eight of nine cases presented tentative and hesitation injuries, in three of five cases areas of injury covered by clothing had been exposed beforehand. Despite extremely narrow intercostal spaces in children, injuries to the bones in thoracic stabbing were avoided more often than not (four of seven cases). Only the criterion "defence injury" occurred nearly as often as in homicide victims (three of nine cases). The psychopathology of extended suicide can explain this pattern. The perpetrator's motive is characterised by his pseudoaltruistic belief to save the loved ones from a world that is ...

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Sexual Homicide: Differentiating Crime Scene Actions


Recent studies have focused on how previous thematic approaches can help explore the style of the offender, specifying the way each offender interacts with the victim. In the present study, it is hypothesized that there are thematic distinctions in sexual homicide, expressive and instrumental, which can be interpreted from the analysis of co-occurrence of crime scene actions. The case files of 40 convicted sexual homicide offenders were content analyzed using the Homicide Profiling Index (Salfati, 2005). Using a multidimensional methodology, Smallest Space Analysis, the present study showed that these crime scene actions could be successfully differentiated in terms of expressive and instrumental aggression. The expressive theme consisted of violent behaviors that centered on hurting the victim, whereas the instrumental theme consisted of behaviors that were more focused on the benefits the victim provided for the offender. In order to provide a basis for the types of behaviors that investigators can use for effectively differentiating...

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Psychiatric Effects of Solitary Confinement


Solitary confinement—that is the confinement of a prisoner alone in a cell for all, or nearly all, of the day with minimal environmental stimulation and minimal opportunity for social interaction—can cause severe psychiatric harm. It has indeed long been known that severe restriction of environmental and social stimulation has a profoundly deleterious effect on mental functioning; this issue has been a major concern for many groups of patients including, for example, patients in intensive care units, spinal patients immobilized by the need for prolonged traction, and patients with impairment of their sensory apparatus (such as eye-patched or hearing-impaired patients). This issue has also been a very significant concern in military situations, polar and submarine expeditions, and in preparations for space travel. The United States was actually the world leader in introducing prolonged incarceration, and solitary confinement, as a means of dealing with criminal behavior....

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Framing Homicide Narratives in Newspapers: Mediated Witness and the Construction of Virtual Victimhood


This article identifies ways in which newspapers invite readers to identify with victims and victimhood as a route to engaging them in ‘human interest’ stories. Within this framing of homicide for readers as ‘mediated witness’, some of the authorial techniques are explored whereby newspapers engage readers in a stylized dialogue that contributes to the construction of public narratives about homicide. It is argued that researchers, as well as working at a macro level, need to research at the micro level of textual analysis when researching media (including visual media) in order to understand the framing that contributes to public narratives; hence there is analysis of techniques of (a) defamiliarization and (b) objectification of homicide victims. These are some of the means by which the reader is placed as witness, both apparently ‘experiencing’ crime for personal consumption yet, publicly, allowed to recover (unlike real victims of major crime). The recognition of a need for...

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Rib Fractures, Flail Chest, and Pulmonary Contusion


Blunt chest trauma accounts for a significant proportion of debilitating and life-threatening injuries. Rib fractures are notoriously painful and can lead to prolonged hospitalization, contribute to the development of pneumonia and respiratory failure, and delay outpatient recuperation significantly. Flail chest, along with chest wall deformity, the most severe of chest wall injuries, is associated with significant acute morbidity and mortality. Pulmonary contusion often accompanies blunt chest wall trauma and when diffuse will result in respiratory failure regardless of other injuries. Pulmonary lacerations, pneumatoceles, and even lobar infarction can occur. In this review, we describe the development of current principles of management of rib fractures, flail chest, and pulmonary contusion. Emerging or unclarified strategies include the importance of acute pain control of rib fractures to alleviate the development of chronic pain, the role of rib fracture operative reduction/internal fixation (ORIF) in severe chest wall trauma, and the use of surfactant and dual ...

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Murder As An Attempt To Manage Self Disgust

In my earlier posts about self-loathing and relationships, I’ve written that self-loathers often endanger their relationships—or avoid them altogether because they don’t feel they’re good enough to be with other people. I’ve recommended that self-loathers learn to trust in other people’s judgment and decisions, especially regarding whom they chose to be with. Self-loathers think that they know themselves better than other people do and they can see the negative qualities that "for some reason" others don't pick up on (at least, not yet). But just how well do they know themselves anyway? In this post, we’ll turn this point around and focus not solely on how others see the self-loather but also on how the self-loather sees himself or herself and the limitations thereof. A self-loathing person, by definition, feels essentially inadequate in some way. I say “essentially” because this is a feeling that is deeply ingrained and therefore resistant to persuasion or evidence. ...

See Also: Do the Self-Loathing See the Same "Self" that Others Do?

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The Sexual Sadist

What do David Parker Ray, Robert Berdella, Lawrence Bittaker, Ian Brady, Mike DeBardeleben, Gary Heidnick, Leonard Lake, Hermann Mudgett, Gary Taylor, and Fred West have in common? They all made the list of the top ten worst sexually sadistic killers.

Sexual sadism is considered a mental disorder; it is one of several paraphilias. A paraphilia is characterized by an obsession with unusual sexual practices and/or with actual sexual activity with nonconsensual persons and animals. Pedophilia, voyeurism, and exhibitionism are additional types of paraphilias. It is estimated that sexual sadists are responsible for between seven and ten percent of all sex crimes. Sexual sadists are predominately male, however there is a prevalence of female domatrixes in sadomasochism pornography.

A sexual sadist has intense fantasies and/or performs acts because he desires complete sexual, physical, emotional or psychological domination over another person. Sexual sadism

What do David Parker Ray, Robert Berdella, Lawrence Bittaker, Ian Brady, .

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Sexual Sadism

Sexual Sadism

By Dr. Christopher L. Heffner Dr. Christopher L. Heffner August 20, 2014 Sexual Sadism2014-08-30T13:34:43+00:00


There are different theories related to sexual sadism, many stemming from the psychoanalytic camp. They suggest that childhood trauma (e.g., sexual abuse) or significant childhood experiences can manifest itself in exhibitionistic behavior.Domestic violence


Sexually sadistic behaviors are typically evident by early adulthood, and often start with masochistic or sadistic play in childhood. The disorder is characterized by either intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors in which the individual is sexually aroused by causing humiliation or physical suffering of another person.


Treatment typically involves psychotherapy aimed at uncovering and working through the underlying cause of the behavior.


Prognosis is good although often there are other issues which may surface once the behaviors are extinguished. If this is the case, these issues must be worked through as well.

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Psychosexual Characteristics Of Sexual Offenders And The Relationship To Sexual Reconviction


The purpose of this study was to determine if the Multiphasic Sex Inventory (MSI) could be used to predict sexual reconviction. The MSI was administered to 119 convicted male sex offenders. Reconviction data were analysed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) over 2-, 5- and 10-year follow-up periods. The MSI scales Sexual Obsession and Paraphilia (Atypical Sexual Outlet) obtained good accuracy in predicting sexual reconviction over 2- and 5-year follow-up periods. A confirmatory factor analysis of the MSI scales yielded a four-factor solution: Sexual Deviance, Sexual Desirability, Dysfunctional/Justification, and Normal. The Sexual Deviance factor demonstrated good accuracy in predicting sexual reconviction at 2-year follow-up while the Normal factor was a poor predictor of sexual reconviction. Compared against an actuarial risk assessment measure for sexual offenders, the Sexual Obsession, Sexual/Social Desirability, and Sexual Dysfunction scales, and Sexual Deviance factor made a statistically significant contribution independent of the...

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A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie Neurobiology

In Night of the Living Dead, zombies are brought back from the dead by a "mysterious force" that allows their brains to continue functioning. But how exactly does a zombie brain function? Finally, a Harvard psychiatrist has the answers.

 Through education Dr. Steven C. Schlozman is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a lecturer at the Harvard School of Education. He is also an avid sci-fi and horror fan - and, apparently, the world's leading authority on the neurobiology of the living dead. He has even drafted a fake medical journal article on the zombie plague, which he calls Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome, or ANSD (the article has five authors: one living, three "deceased" and one "humanoid infected").

 Schlozman's foray into necro-diagnostics began when he volunteered to give a talk for the "Science on Screen" lecture series at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, MA....

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Jodi Sue Huisentruit | Missing Person: Legally Declared Dead

State Representative Speaks Out About Resistance to Solving Huisentruit Case

Iowa State Rep. John Kooiker considered it a privilege to fill in the ninth term of his good friend, Dwayne Alons, who passed away shortly after winning the November 2014 election. But, as a member of the House Public Safety Committee, he found himself appalled at the number of cold cases in the state and the current lack of a cohesive effort to solve them.

In 2015, prior to the 20th anniversary of Jodi Huisentruit’s unsolved disappearance, he saw an opportunity to augment the work being done by the Northwest Iowa Review — one of approximately 200 newspapers participating in the Iowa Newspaper Association‘s statewide GONE COLD project. With the assistance of other legislators, Kooiker drafted a letter addressed to the city of Mason City, asking them to recognize Jodi’s upcoming anniversary and soliciting their help in solving the case....

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The Role Of Deviant Sexual Fantasy In The Etiopathogenesis Of Sexual Homicide: A Systematic Review


Much research examining the etiopathogenesis of sexual homicide has focused on the role of deviant sexual fantasy. However, there are fundamental questions as to the nature of the relationship between deviant fantasy and sexual homicide that remain unanswered. Given that most people are likely to entertain deviant fantasies without really desiring to put them into practice, it is important to understand how and why some people develop deviant sexual fantasies and act on them. To understand the mechanisms that promote development and acting out of deviant fantasy in sexual murders, this paper addresses the available scientific evidence on the topic, by providing a systematic review of the studies that have investigated the role of fantasy in the etiopathogenesis of sexual homicide. Five databases were searched, supplemented with hand-search of reference lists from retrieved papers. The author and a psychiatrist independently evaluated eligibility of all studies identified, abstracted data, and assessed study quality....

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Missing Person | Michelle Parker Video at KFC

UPDATE 3/2/15 – Orlando police went back to the same wooded area and pond near her ex’s home where her cell phone was found two weeks later. UPDATE 11/18/13 – Police have released another video from two years ago showing Michelle’s Hummer. The truck was caught on camera without the decals on the back. It’s unclear who is driving the truck at that time. The 30-second video, taken at a red light the day she went missing and near where her Humvee was later recovered

It was found abandoned about a mile from where the video was taken. Police later found her iPhone.

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Autopsy On Missing Woman Shows No Obvious Signs Of Trauma, Coroner Says

An autopsy performed on a Laguna Hills woman, whose body was found Monday in the Cleveland National Forest, showed no obvious signs of trauma, officials said.

Erica Alonso, 27 at the time, was last seen Feb. 15 after leaving her boyfriend's home in Irvine, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Department.

Her body was found about 10:30 p.m. Monday by biologists working for the California Department of Transportation.

The Orange County coroner's office completed its autopsy but has not been able to determine a cause of death, sheriff's Lt. Jeff Hallock said. Results for toxicology tests could take six to eight weeks.

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