NENA Call Answering Standard/Model Recommendation

1 Executive Overview

This document has been developed to serve as a model standard operating procedure for the calltaking function within Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). To provide uniformity and consistency in the handling of 9-1-1, other emergency calls and administrative non-emergency calls, the following call-taking standards are recommended:
• Operational level of service
• Order of answering priority
• Answering protocol
• Information gathering
• Call transfer

In addition, this document provides guidelines for handling non-standard calls, such as abandoned, disconnects, misdials, unintentional, prank and misrouted calls (including nomadic VoIP calls). A recommended course of action is described which will enable the telecommunicator to address data failures, such as the loss of ANI or ALI, equipment problems and redundant calls.

2 Introduction

2.1 Purpose and Scope. These guidelines have been developed to facilitate call handling in the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). 2.2 Reason to Implement. This document has been issued to serve as a Model Standard

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A Test of the Simultaneous vs. Sequential Lineup Methods

Executive Summary

The significant role that mistaken eyewitness identifications have played in convictions of the innocent has led to a strong interest in finding ways to reduce eyewitness identification errors. Psychological scientists have been conducting laboratory studies on this problem for over 30 years and have proposed a number of possible reforms to the procedures used in conducting lineups. Most of the proposed reforms, including the critical requirement of double-blind administration (the administrator does not know the identity of the suspect), have not been considered controversial in principle and many jurisdictions across the United States have adopted them. The use of a double-blind (DB) sequential rather than a DB simultaneous lineup procedure, however, has engendered controversy, a controversy that has unnecessarily held back the adoption of non-controversial reforms in many jurisdictions. The sequential lineup shows lineup members to the witness one at a time and asks the witness to make a...

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Human Attribute Recognition by Rich Appearance Dictionary


We present a part-based approach to the problem of hu- man attribute recognition from a single image of a human body. To recognize the attributes of human from the body parts, it is important to reliably detect the parts. This is a challenging task due to the geometric variation such as articulation and view-point changes as well as the appearance variation of the parts arisen from versatile clothing types. The prior works have primarily focused on handling geometric variation by relying on pre-trained part detectors or pose estimators, which require manual part annotation, but the appearance variation has been relatively neglected in these works. This paper explores the importance of the appearance variation, which is directly related to the main task, attribute recognition. To this end, we propose to learn a rich appearance part dictionary of human with significantly less supervision by decomposing image lattice into overlapping windows at multi-scales and iteratively refining local appearance templates. We also present...

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Husband-Wife Homicide: An Essay from A Family Law Perspective

Homicide traditionally has been a matter between family, acquaintances, and friends.' This fact is not particularly surprising, given the reasonable expectation that one would have more reason to kill an acquaintance than a stranger. It would seem to follow that spouses and other intimates would have the most reason of all to kill each other. Yet we recoil from the very idea, clinging to the belief that intimate relationships are characterized by tenderness and love. That they are not always so characterized is evident in the fact of spousal violence and homicide. Most homicides are committed with firearms, and these weapons also play a role in the more specialized group of homicides that occur between spouses. One goal of all gun control proposals is to reduce the overall number of homicides by reducing the number of homicides committed with firearms. A particularly poignant subissue, however, is how to keep people from killing...

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Scene Sketching and Diagramming for the Incident Scene Investigator

SmartDraw makes creating crime scene investigation and forensics diagrams easy.

Start with the exact crime scene template you need—not just a blank screen. You can choose from floor plans of houses, offices, and apartments or outdoor or commercial crime scenes like alleys and offices. Next, drag-and-drop any of the thousands of ready-made legal symbols including weapons, gloves, blood splatter, and even dead bodies to customize your diagram.

Share your crime scene investigation & forensics diagrams with others in a variety of common graphics formats such as a PDF or PNG. You can also export them into any Office® or G Suite® application in just a few easy clicks. SmartDraw also works on your SharePoint® network.

You and your team can work on the same flowchart by sharing it on your included online account or by using your favorite file sharing apps like Dropbox®, Google Drive™, Box® or OneDrive®.

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Crime Scene Sketch

Crime Scene Sketch

The crime scene sketch is an invaluable aid in recording investigative data. It is a permanent record that provides supplemental information that is not easily accomplished with the exclusive use of crime scene photographs and notes. A crime scene sketch depicts the overall layout of a location and the relationship of evidentiary items to the surroundings. It can show the path a suspect or victim took and the distances involved. It can be used when questioning suspects and witnesses. During trial, the crime scene diagram correlates the testimony of witnesses and serves as a tool for relaying reference and orientation points to the prosecutor, judge and jury.

I. Sketching the Crime Scene

Before beginning a sketch, obtain a comprehensive view of the scene. Determine the sketch limits – decide what to include and what to exclude. If the scene is complicated, a number of sketches may be necessary for adequate documentation

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Racial Misuse Of Criminal Profiling By Law Enforcement: Intentions And Implications.


This article examines critical issues regarding criminal profiling, its misuse by law enforcement, and its utility to solve serious crimes with the technique, hereinafter known and called “Criminal Profiling”. The specific issue under investigation is the misuse of criminal profiling in the United States, and its impact on African Americans, and other minorities. In that realm, a discussion and analysis of the importance of criminal profiling, the development of criminal profiling and, the misuse of criminal profiling as a critical issue in the 21st century are analyzed.


This paper investigates criminal profiling. Criminal profiling has always been an important law enforcement tool in solving crime. Profiling narrows the field of, investigation by indicating the kind of person most likely to have committed a crime by focusing on certain behavioral and personality characteristics. It is a collection of leads, and has been described as an educated attempt to provide specific information about a certain type of...

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Murder by Structure: Dominance Relations and the Social Structure of Gang Homicide

Most sociological theories consider murder an outcome of the differential distribution of individual, neighborhood, or social characteristics. And while such studies explain variation in aggregate homicide rates, they do not explain the social order of murder, that is, who kills whom, when, where, and for what reason. This article argues that gang murder is best understood not by searching for its individual determinants but by examining the social networks of action and reaction that create it. In short, the social structure of gang murder is defined by the manner in which social networks are constructed and by people’s placement in them. The author uses a network approach and incident-level homicide records to recreate and analyze the structure of gang murders in Chicago. Findings demonstrate that individual murders between gangs create an institutionalized network of group conflict, net of any individual’s participation or motive. Within this network, murders spread...

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Compensating Image Degradation Due To Atmospheric Turbulence In Anisoplanatic Conditions


In imaging applications the prevalent effects of atmospheric turbulence comprise image dancing and image blurring. Suggestions from the field of image processing to compensate for these turbulence effects and restore degraded imagery include Motion-Compensated Averaging (MCA) for image sequences. In isoplanatic conditions, such an averaged image can be considered as a non-distorted image that has been blurred by an unknown Point Spread Function (PSF) of the same size as the pixel motions due to the turbulence and a blind deconvolution algorithm can be employed for the final image restoration. However, when imaging over a long horizontal path close to the ground, conditions are likely to be anisoplanatic and image dancing will effect local image displacements between consecutive frames rather than global shifts only. Therefore, in this paper, a locally operating variant of the MCA-procedure is proposed, utilizing Block Matching (BM) in order to identify and re-arrange uniformly displaced image parts. For the final restoration...

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Premenstrual Stress Syndrome As A Defense In Criminal Cases

Premenstrual stress syndrome (PMS syndrome) is a disorder afflicting many women.' The symptoms of PMS syndrome include excessive thirst and appetite, bloating, headaches, anxiety, ,depression,irritability, and general lethargy. Diagnosis depends on the timing of the symptoms rather than on their type, number, or severity; not all patients experience all possible symptoms. The symptoms develop and increase in intensity from seven to fourteen days prior to the onset of menses and disappear rapidly thereafter. PMS syndrome can range in severity from mild to incapacitating, in both a physical and psychological sense. Recently, in England, female defendants in separate criminal actions successfully pleaded diminished responsibility or mitigating circumstances by establishing that they suffered from PMS syndrome. It has been reported that France also recognizes PMS syndrome as a form of legal insanity. The use of PMS syndrome as the basis for a diminished capacity defense in England, and increased research and awareness of the syndrome...

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FCC Media Study No. 9: A Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of Local Market Structure on the Range of Viewpoints Supplied

2 Background

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has authority over the allocation of radio spectrum granted by the 1934 Communications Act. The FCC’s charge is to ensures that the ownership of a license to use spectrum is held in the “public interest, convenience and necessity.” The FCC’s definition of public interest, convenience and necessity includes three elements: competition, diversity, and localism. The FCC reviews transactions conveying the control of a license to ensure that such transactions fit in with its goals. Beyond the mere review of mergers the FCC at the behest of Congress has developed several specific rules that limit the holding of these licenses by entities in the United States. The rules are generally referred to as the “media ownership rules”. There are six such rules. These rules broadly fall into three categories; first national rules limiting national ownership of a particular class of broadcast license (TV or radio), second local rules restricting the...

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Vision-Based Human Tracking and Activity


The protection of critical transportation assets and infrastructure is an important topic these days. Transportation assets such as bridges, overpasses, dams and tunnels are vulnerable to attacks. In addition, facilities such as chemical storage, office complexes and laboratories can become targets. Many of these facilities exist in areas of high pedestrian traffic, making them accessible to attack, while making the monitoring of the facilities difficult. In this research, we developed components of an automated, “smart video” system to track pedestrians and detect situations where people may be in peril, as well as suspicious motion or activities at or near critical transportation assets. The software tracks individual pedestrians as they pass through the field of vision of the camera, and uses vision algorithms to classify the motion and activities of each pedestrian. The tracking is accomplished through the development of a position and velocity path characteristic for each pedestrian using a...

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The Evolution of Jealousy

Love wasn’t the only thing in the air on Valentine’s Day 2003. A Texas jury had just found C. Harris guilty of killing her husband in a “sudden passion.” After encountering him at a hotel with a mistress, she had driven the car over his body again and again. As others were exchanging tokens of love, the “Mercedes murderer” was sentenced to spend 20 years in jail. Clara Harris was hardly the first woman to stand accused of murdering in a jealous rage. In various studies, jealousy is often ranked among the top three motives for nonaccidental homicides where motive is known—along with rage arising from a quarrel and murder during the commission of a crime. Across the ages the confounding power of sexual jealousy has inspired poetry, novels, drama, art and opera. It has also captured the attention of psychologists, who have used a variety of theoretical approaches in their pursuit of scientific understanding.

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The Effects of Occupational Stress on Marital Self-Disclosure


This study investigates the effect of occupational stress on self-disclosure levels in married couples. Occupational stress is the strain and anxiety a person experiences about their career, which might impact self-disclosure levels. This study predicts marital self-disclosure will be negatively affected by increased occupational stress. Self-disclosure was measured with the Marital Self-Disclosure Questionnaire (Waring, Holden, & Wesley, 1998). Krantz’s Jobs Rated Almanac (2002) was used to evaluate occupational stress. This study recruited 40 married participants. Results showed a non-significant correlation between self-disclosure and occupational stress. Limitations and future research are discussed. The Effects of Occupational Stress on Marital Self-Disclosure We smile at the elder couple, dressed alike, holding hands walking down the street. Everyone wants to meet that one person they are destined to be with to become their husband or wife. Couples aspire to be the cute older couple smooching under the shade tree in thirty years. There is a social cliché with being...

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Deception And Dating: Knowledge Of Tactics May Improve Detection Accuracy


This study investigates the effect of occupational stress on self-disclosure levels in married couples. Occupational stress is the strain and anxiety a person experiences about their career, which might impact self-disclosure levels. This study predicts marital self-disclosure will be negatively affected by increased occupational stress. Self-disclosure was measured with the Marital Self-Disclosure Questionnaire (Waring, Holden, & Wesley, 1998). Krantz’s Jobs Rated Almanac (2002) was used to evaluate occupational stress. This study recruited 40 married participants. Results showed a non-significant correlation between self-disclosure and occupational stress. Limitations and future research are discussed. The Effects of Occupational Stress on Marital Self-Disclosure We smile at the elder couple, dressed alike, holding hands walking down the street. Everyone wants to meet that one person they are destined to be with to become their husband or wife. Couples aspire to be the cute older couple smooching under the shade tree in thirty years. There is a social cliché with being...

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Modeling Self-Deception within a Decision-Theoretic Framework


Computational modeling of human belief maintenance and decision-making processes has become increasingly important for a wide range of applications. In this paper, we present a framework for modeling the human capacity for self-deception from a decision-theoretic perspective in which we describe processes for determining a desired belief state, the biasing of internal beliefs towards the desired belief state, and the actual decision-making process based upon the integrated biases. Furthermore, we show that in some situations self-deception can be beneficial.

1 Introduction

A mother has been shown seemingly incontrovertible evidence of her son’s guilt. Although the information is provided by reliable sources, the mother continues to proclaim her son’s innocence. This illustrates an important characteristic of human belief maintenance: that our beliefs are not formed merely by the evidence at hand. Rather, desires and intentions interfere with the processes that access, form and maintain beliefs and thereby bias our reasoning.Research on...

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