How Street Gangs Recruit and Socialize Members
Gangs recruit and socialize youth who live in their local neighborhood and who attend neighborhood schools. Gangs take advantage of the crisis adolescents face in growing up. Gangs present themselves in communities and neighborhoods as one of many reference group choices at a time in the life when a child's peers have the most influence. New gang members subject themselves to a process of socialization, which opposes many of the values and norms of the general society. As new members gain acceptance and status, and are allowed to play a role in the delinquent activities of the gang, they are taking part in a process of social learning, a vital part of gang socialization, a process of on-the-job training. Once these attributes are internalized by a new member, the result is an ongoing development of a personal and social identity consistent with the gang. By understanding how gangs socialize their members, improvements can be made in current prevention and intervention strategies.