Microwave Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (Emfs) Produce Widespread Neuropsychiatric Effects Including Depression


Non-thermal microwave/lower frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) act via voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation. Calcium channel blockers block EMF effects and several types of additional evidence confirm this mechanism. Low intensity microwave EMFs have been proposed to produce neuropsychiatric effects, sometimes called microwave syndrome, and the focus of this review is whether these are indeed well documented and consistent with the known mechanism(s) of action of such EMFs. VGCCs occur in very high densities throughout the nervous system and have near universal roles in release of neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones. Soviet and Western literature shows that much of the impact of non-thermal microwave exposures in experimental animals occurs in the brain and peripheral nervous system, such that nervous system histology and function show diverse and substantial changes. These may be generated through roles of VGCC activation, producing excessive neurotransmitter/neuroendocrine release as well as oxidative/nitrosative stress and other responses...

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Court Case: Official Recognition Of James Walbert’s Case+support From Missouri Rep.jim Guest

Wichita, KS April 20, 2009

A Wichita inventor who claims he is being attacked by directed high energy microwave weapons, victimized by covert organized stalking and targeted by highly advanced forms of electronic harassment was granted an order of protection against one of his assailants, according to a Sedgwick County District Court ruling. After reviewing a petition filed by victim James Walbert, Judge Terry Pullman determined the case should be weighed on its merits and a hearing was scheduled before Judge James Beasley. In the end, Walbert prevailed.

Walbert’s evidence included declassified government documents, photos and scientific data attesting to the authenticity of land-based and satellite-based directed microwave weaponry. His proof also included a radiation forensics report concluding Walbert is being targeted with obscure microwave frequencies. And, to show he is not the only victim of these crimes, Walbert provided a letter from Missouri State Representative James O. Guest corroborating that his office has...

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Longitudinal Examination of the Relation Between Co-Offending With Violent Accomplices and Violent Crime


The study tested whether violence "spreads" from violent offenders to those inexperienced in violence. Data for the study were originally collected from "Delinquent Networks in Philadelphia: Co-Offending and Gangs." The random sample of offenders was identified through random selection from all official records of arrest (n=60,821) for offenders under age 18 in Philadelphia during 1987. A random number generator was used to pull names of arrested people until 200 offenders who committed a crime alone and 200 offenders who committed a crime with an accomplice had been identified. All crimes committed by offenders between January 1976 to December 1994 were reviewed. The sample for the current study included 235 subjects from the original sample of 400. Members of the accomplice sample included only those 510 co-offenders involved in the target offenders' first co-offense. Crime data for the target offenders and the identifiable accomplices were collected from Philadelphia court records...

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From Aristotle To Crime Scene: A Forensics Of The Academic Essay

Writing in the academy is almost always about making a claim, or ‘case’, based on evidence, as one does in court: its rhetoric is forensic (L. forensis ‘in open court, public’, from forum), in Aristotle’s sense. Just as forensic rhetoric takes as a given the laws of the polis and is directed at persuading a judge (Aristotle 1991: 80-82), academic writing assumes a set of rules (one must be sincere, demonstrate one’s argument using evidence, and obey a certain decorum) and is written to persuade an assessor, namely a teacher or peer. And, since the Harvard ‘forensic system’ of essay writing in the late 1870s (Russell 2002: 51-63), it has often been taught in the language of forensic rhetoric: in particular, the apocryphal ‘rhetorical triangle’ of persuasion by ethos, logos and pathos (Booth 1963; Kinneavy 1971) and the informal logic of the enthymeme (Toulmin 1958). At its best, academic...

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Criminal Personality Profiling and Crime Scene Assessment


Within the justice system, there appears to be a growing demand for experts in the field of behavioral science who can help law enforcement solve bizarre and unusual cases. There are multiple factors and antecedent events that are involved in a violent crime. These factors and events include the intent, the plan, the type of criminal, the type of victim, the crime scene, and the premortem and postmortem interval. The manner in which a violent crime is performed expresses the psychological pattern, makeup, and expression of the individual performing it. Criminal investigative analysis, or criminal personality profiling, examines and identifies the subtle habits, psychological traits, and personality variables associated with criminal activity. These variables and traits are used to develop personality and behavioral descriptors of an offender who often commits heinous crimes such as serial homicide, sex crimes leading to criminal homicide, arson, bombings, ritualistic crimes that include torture, child abduction, kidnapping, child molestation, and bank robbery...

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Crime Reduction Through Simulation: An Agent-Based Model Of Burglary


Traditionally, researchers have employed statistical methods to model crime. However, these approaches are limited by being unable to model individual actions and behaviour. Brantingham and Brantingham (1993) described that in their opinion a useful and productive model for simulating crime would have the ability to model the occurrence of crime and the motivations behind it both temporally and spatially. This paper presents the construction and application of an agent-based model (ABM) for simulating occurrences of residential burglary at an individual level. It presents a novel framework that allows both human and environmental factors to be simulated. Although other agent-based models of crime do exist, this research represents the first working example of integrating a behavioural framework into an ABM for the simulation of crime. An artificial city, loosely based on the real city of Leeds, UK, and an artificial population were constructed, and experiments were run to...

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Sexual Sadism: Avoiding Its Misuse in Sexually Violent Predator Evaluations


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), Task Force has recently rejected the proposal to include coercive paraphilia as an official diagnosis, reaffirming that rape is a crime and not a mental disorder. We hope this will discourage what has been the inappropriate practice of giving rapists the made-up diagnosis of paraphilia, NOS, nonconsent, to facilitate their psychiatric commitment under sexually violent predator (SVP) statutes. Losing the paraphilia, NOS, option has tempted some SVP evaluators to overdiagnose sexual sadism, which is an official DSM mental disorder. To prevent this improper application and to clarify those rare instances in which this diagnosis might apply, we present a brief review of the research on sexual sadism; an annotation of its definitions that have been included in the DSM since the Third Edition, published in 1980, and in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition (ICD-10); and a two-step process...

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Neighborhood Characteristics as Predictors of Male to Female and Female to Male Partner Violence

Abstract:   This article examines the association between neighborhood characteristics at the census tract—level, couples’ perceived neighborhood social cohesion and informal social control, and male-to-female (MFPV) and female-to-male (FMPV) partner violence in the United States. Data come from a second wave of interviews (2000) with a national sample of couples 18 years of age and older who were first interviewed in 1995. The path analysis shows that poverty is associated with perceived social cohesion and perceived social control as hypothesized. However, there is no significant mediation effect for social control or social cohesion on any type of violence. In the path analysis, Black ethnicity is associated with social cohesion, which is associated with MFPV. Intimate partner violence (IPV), as a form of domestic violence, may not be as concentrated in high-poverty neighborhoods as criminal violence. IPV may be more determined by personal and dyadic characteristics than criminal violence. (Published Abstract)...

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Crime Scene Rhetoric — Usually Falls Into Three Categories: Notes, Wall Writing, And Body Messages.

Rhetoric is the art of discourse, wherein a writer or speaker strives to inform, persuade or motivate particular audiences in specific situations. As a subject of formal study and a productive civic practice, rhetoric has played a central role in the European tradition.[1] Its best known definition comes from Aristotle, who considers it a counterpart of both logic and politics, and calls it "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion."[2] Rhetoric typically provides heuristics for understanding, discovering, and developing arguments for particular situations, such as Aristotle's three persuasive audience appeals, logos, pathos, and ethos. The five canons of rhetoric, which trace the traditional tasks in designing a persuasive speech, were first codified in classical Rome: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. Along with grammar and logic (or dialectic—see Martianus Capella), rhetoric is one of the three ancient arts of discourse....

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How to Use Orange Peel

The oil in orange peel is made of 95-percent limonene, a substance that, according to Greenlivingtips.com, is used in industrial plastics manufacturing, as well as being added to many household cleaners to give them a citrusy odor. The website notes that Florida's orange juice industry produces 5 million tons of peel waste every year, which is usually fed to cattle. There are many other uses for orange peel as well, so before you throw it away, consider some ways to incorporate it around your house and yard.

Step 1

Keep mosquitoes and flies at bay. These insects don't like limonene, according to Gomestic.com, so grate some orange peel (or use a zester) and place piles of the grated peel, or zest, around the patio or anywhere where flying insects may be a problem.

Step 2

Get rid of ants. Ants, too, dislike limonene. To get rid of an ant infestation, place a,,,

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Postmortem Burning Of The Corpses Following Homicide.


Although there have been a great number of studies focussing on antemortem burns or fire-related deaths, the present study is the first dealing exclusively with postmortem burnings aiming to cover up a homicidal action. This study aims to draw attention to postmortem burning following homicide by determining the general characteristics of a series of burned corpses. Thirteen cases of homicide involving postmortem burning were included in the scope of the study. The cases were examined with regard to age, gender, place of death or discovery, autopsy findings, accompanying injuries and manner of death. Eleven of the cases were male and two were female. Victims' ages ranged between 24 and 62 years with a mean age of 43.5 years. All of the victims were discovered in unfamiliar places. Autopsy findings indicated postmortem burning of corpses to cover homicide. Discovering a burned body in an unfamiliar, outdoor or abandoned place, scene or autopsy findings...

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Burnt Wives: A Study of Homicides


The death of married females nowadays is very common in India, usually being associated with dowry disputes. In India, dowries are a continuing series of gifts endowed before and after the marriage. When dowry expectations are not met, the young bride may be killed or compelled to commit suicide, most frequently by burning. In a cohort of 152 burned wives, 47 (31%) were homicidal burns and these cases were analyzed in view of epidemiological and medicolegal aspects. Homicide by burning amongst women is a major concern in India as it has become pervasive throughout all social strata and geographical areas. In this series, most women were from extended families (i.e. multigenerational groups of related individuals living under a single roof) and the homicides occurred within the first few years of their marriages. The majority of the affected wives were 16-25 years of age (77%) at the time of the incident and...

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A Review of the Trends of Self-Inflicted Burns.


During 1979-1998, 7139 patients were admitted to the Birmingham Burns Centre. Of these, 184 patients were identified with self-inflicted burns. There were 115 males and 69 females. The mean age was 37.4 +/- 14.6 years and mean size of burn was 41.1 +/- 31.3% of total body surface area (TBSA). The yearly admissions of these burns appeared to show a decline, while their percentage as compared to burn admission from other causes showed a rise in the trend. Statistically, however, these trends were not different from zero. During the studied period, there were 446 deaths, of which 81 (18%) were due to self-inflicted burns. The mortality in the self-inflicted burn patients was therefore 44%. The average size of burn in those who died was 67% TBSA, while in those who survived was 21% TBSA. The observed mortality when compared with expected mortality, as derived from mortality probability chart, showed that the...

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Investigation of the Demographic Characteristics and Mental Health in Self-Immolation Attempters



Self immolation is a heinous way to commit suicide which is mostly prevalent in individuals who attempt to escape a stressful situation and is considered as a strange and unusual method.


This study examined demographic characteristics and mental health in self immolation attempters in the city of Bandar Abbas.

Materials and Methods

Two groups are involved in this enquiry. A group of 30 participants who have committed self-immolation and the other consisting of 15 non-committers. To conduct the study, MMPI questionnaire of Minnesota was employed accompanied with demographic information and descriptive statistics as well as independent “t-test”.


The research findings indicate that the self-immolation attempters were mostly among singles, females, low literates or illiterates, and housewives within the age group of 10-30 years old. According to the research there was a significant difference between two groups regarding personality characteristics and records of hypochondriasis, depression, psychopathic deviation,...

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Parasite Stress Promotes Homicide And Child Maltreatment


Researchers using the parasite-stress theory of human values have discovered many cross-cultural behavioural patterns that inform a range of scholarly disciplines. Here, we apply the theory to major categories of interpersonal violence, and the empirical findings are supportive. We hypothesize that the collectivism evoked by high parasite stress is a cause of adult-on-adult interpersonal violence. Across the US states, parasite stress and collectivism each positively predicts rates of men's and women's slaying of a romantic partner, as well as the rate of male-honour homicide and of the motivationally similar felony-related homicide. Of these four types of homicide, wealth inequality has an independent effect only on rates of male-honour and felony-related homicide. Parasite stress and collectivism also positively predict cross-national homicide rates. Child maltreatment by caretakers is caused, in part, by divestment in offspring of low phenotypic quality, and high parasite stress produces more such offspring than low parasite stress. Rates of each...

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Exploring The Interrelationship Between Alexithymia, Defense Style, Emotional Suppression, Homicide-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder And Psychiatric Co-Morbidity

Highlights   •Perpetrators can develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following homicide. •Different psychological factors contribute to the severity of PTSD and psychiatric co-morbidity. •Alexithymia is associated with defense style which is also correlated with emotional suppression. •Emotional suppression is associated with homicide-related PTSD and psychiatric co-morbidity.   Abstract

This study investigated the interrelationship between alexithymia, defense style, emotional suppression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following homicide and psychiatric co-morbidity. One hundred and fifty male homicide perpetrators and 156 male perpetrators of non-violent crime completed the Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (except for non-violent perpetrators), the General Health Questionnaire-28, the Defense Styles Questionnaire, the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20. The results showed that 44% of homicide perpetrators met the criteria for PTSD. No significant differences were found between groups in alexithymia, defense style and psychiatric co-morbidity. Homicide perpetrators suppressed depression significantly more than the non-violent group...

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