Violent Victimization in the Prison Context An Examination of the Gendered Contexts of Prison


Currently there are few published, multilevel studies of physical assault victimization of prisoners. This study builds on the extant research by utilizing a nationally representative sample of correctional facilities (n = 326) and inmates (n = 17,640) to examine the impacts of a large set of theoretically and empirically derived individual- and contextual-level variables on prison victimization, including how the gendered context of prison impacts victimization. Results support the lifestyles/routine activities approach. Inmates who were charged with a violent offense, were previously victimized, were smaller in size, were not married, were without a work assignment, misbehaved, did not participate in programs, used alcohol or drugs, and those who had a depression or personality disorder were more likely to be victimized. In addition, the data suggest that 8% of the variance in victimization is due to the prison context. Prisons with high proportions of violent offenders, males, inmates from...

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Language And Thinking In Psychosis. Is There An Input Abnormality?


We studied "formal thought disorder" in schizophrenics, schizoaffectives, and manics by examining syntax processing and perception of meaning, using the "embedded click" and "memory for gist tasks," two paradigms that were developed by psycholinguists. To control for generalized performance deficits, a matched-task design was used. Contrary to expectation, patients did worse on a matched memory for digits task than on sentence processing. At a six-month follow-up examination, schizophrenics' performance did not improve while other patients' did. We concluded that psychotic patients have no specific language perception deficit but do have a short-term memory deficit. This deficit tends to remit for manics and schizoaffectives, but not for schizophrenics...

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Law & Psychiatry: Responsibility for Torts: Should the Courts Continue to Ignore Mental Illness?


Although courts routinely consider whether a criminal defendant's mental illness makes punishment unfair, the rules are very different for civil liability. When people with mental illness harm others, courts refuse to consider their mental states in determining civil liability. The justifications offered for this rule range from the difficulty of assessing the impact of mental illness on behavior to the desire to place the burden of loss on the person who caused the injury. Undeniably, though, mental disabilities are treated differently from physical impairments, and the law's resistance to change seems largely based on misunderstanding and prejudice against mental illness....

(Psychiatric Services 63:308–310, 2012; doi: 10.1176/

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A review of tort liability in involuntary civil commitment.


The grounds for liability in cases of involuntary civil commitment have been broadened in recent years. Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have been found liable for infringement of civil rights under Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act and for failure to commit an individual who is subsequently involved in a tragedy. This article reviews recent developments in tort liability in involuntary civil commitment as well as the traditional areas of tort liability, including malpractice, malicious prosecution, false imprisonment, and abuse of process. The authors believe that even in this climate of expanded liability, mental health professionals who follow the letter and spirit of civil commitment laws will continue to enjoy the broad protections from liability afforded them in the past...

PMID: 3596501

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Gunshot Wounds To The Head: Gang- And Non-Gang-Related Injuries And Outcomes


This study examined the differences between gang and non-gang-related incidents of penetrative missile injuries in terms of demographics, motivation, intra-cranial pathology, transit time, injury time and clinical outcome. Retrospective and prospective chart review. Between 1985-1992, 349 patients with penetrating missile injuries to the brain presenting to LAC-USC were studied. Inclusion criteria were implemented to keep the cohort as homogenous as possible. Patients excluded were those with multiple gunshot wounds, non-penetrating gunshot wounds to the head, systemic injuries and cases in which the motivation for the incident was unknown. Gang-related shooting slightly out-numbered non-gang-related incidents. Demographic analysis showed both a male and Hispanic predominance for both gang- and non-gang-related victims and significant differences in gender, race and age. Occipital entrance sites were more common in the gang-related vs temporal entrance sites in the non-gang-related. Mean transit time to the emergency department for gangssed Nov 25 2018]....

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How to Practice Evidence-Based Psychiatry Basic Principles and Case Studies


The use of evidence-based guidelines and algorithms is widely encouraged in modern psychiatric settings, yet many practitioners find it challenging to apply and incorporate the latest evidence-based psychosocial and biological interventions. Now, practitioners have an outstanding new resource at their fingertips. How to Practice Evidence-Based Psychiatry: Basic Principles and Case Studies accomplishes two goals: it explains the methods and philosophy of evidence-based psychiatry, and it describes ways in which psychiatrists and other mental health specialists can incorporate evidence-based psychiatry into their clinical practices. Uniquely relevant to psychiatric clinicians, this is the only book on evidence-based medicine specific to the field of psychiatry that addresses integrated psychopharmacology and psychotherapies.

This new book first provides an expansion on the popular text the Concise Guide to Evidence-Based Psychiatry, updating the sections on clinical trials, the teaching of evidence-based medicine, and the effective treatment of patients with complex comorbid ...

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Thomson Reuters CLEAR

Use today's best investigative technology to locate assets Close gaps in your investigations and locate hard-to-find information on your subject with CLEAR. Quickly and easily locate the subject's most recent address and phone information, as well as who their associates are.

Thomson Reuters CLEAR is designed to meet the unique needs of your investigations. CLEAR streamlines your research by bringing relevant content into a single working environment. The customizable dashboard and intuitive interface saves time by allowing you to search data and view results in a way that matches how you work.

CLEAR online investigation software makes it easier to locate people, businesses, assets and affiliations, and other critical information. With its vast collection of public and proprietary records, investigators are able to dive deep into their research and uncover hard-to-find data....

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The LSD Syndrome—A Review


LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a powerful bio-active substance related to serotonin in structure. Its actions generally affect autonomic, sensory and psychological functions. Autonomic stimulation is varied. Sensory responses are usually visual, involving heightened and distorted color perception and fusion of sensory impressions. Psychological responses include a feeling that a unique experience is occurring; feelings of depersonalization; pronounced fluctuation of mood; time and space distortions; autistic phenomena; fluctuation of aggressive drives (usually reduction); and spontaneous reoccurrence of the lsd experience.

The subjective responses can be related to three basic phenomena: (1) expectation; (2) loss of characteristic modes of perceptual and cognitive patterning; and (3) hypersuggestibility.

The major adverse reactions are: (1) chronic drug dependence including subsequent personality changes and depressive reactions; and (2) acute ego dissolution. These reactions usually occur in already emotionally ill people. Most of these users fall into two groups, those with unresolved identity problems and those with severe ego...

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Borderline Personality and Criminality


Borderline personality disorder is characteristically associated with a broad variety of psychiatric symptoms and aberrant behaviors. In this edition of The Interface, we discuss the infrequently examined association between borderline personality disorder and criminality. According to our review of the literature, in comparison with the rates of borderline personality disorder encountered in the general population, borderline personality disorder is over-represented in most studies of inmates. At the same time, there is considerable variation in the reported rates of this Axis II disorder in prison populations, which may be attributed to the methodologies of and populations in the various studies. Overall, female criminals appear to exhibit higher rates of borderline personality disorder, and it is oftentimes associated with a history of childhood sexual abuse, perpetration of impulsive and violent crimes, comorbid antisocial traits, and incarceration for domestic violence....

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Who Are High Conflict People?

In 2003, I used the terms High Conflict People, High Conflict Personalities and HCPs in a self-published book titled High Conflict Personalities: Understanding and Resolving Their Costly Disputes. (I couldn’t get a publisher because they said there was no interest in this subject.) The term “high conflict” had been around for at least twenty years, especially in regard to “high-conflict families” in divorce. I wanted to shift the focus to describe and deal with individuals, since it seemed that many high-conflict families included only one high-conflict person – and that dealing directly with that person would be the most effective way to help the family.

Since I had been a therapist before becoming a lawyer, I knew about personality disorders, how confusing they were, how persuasive they could be, and some of the methods for treating them. Yet no one outside of psychiatric treatment seemed to have a...

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The Value of Crime Scene and Sititation by Forensic Psychologists and Psychiatrists


Site visits and crime scene visitation by forensic psychologists and psychiatrists may enhance the accuracy and credibility of their forensic work in criminal, civil, and other important contexts. This ethically sound technique of after-the-fact data collection and verification offers numerous potential benefits to the forensic mental health professional: clarifying the subject's actions, assessing the reliability of witness reports, identifying contextual determinants of behavior, and more fully illuminating subject motivation and decision-making. Limitations and suggested guidelines for conducting site visits are offered. Guidelines include preplanning, arranging for an informed guide to accompany and narrate the visit, and conducting the site visit prior to forensic examinations....

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Computer Forensics | Files in Unallocated Space

The subject has stated in interviews that he did not keep these objectionable files. He admits that he may have down loaded them inadvertently as a batch through Lime Wire and that those he found objectionable he immediately deleted. What sort of puzzles me is that ALL the files they found were in unallocated space and what corroborates his story is that the created, last written and last accessed times are all the same. i.e.

C\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\ArtCache|LocalMLS\{CLISD number}.jpg File Created 7/14/08 08:34:17am Last Accessed 7/14/08 08:34:17am Last written 7/14/08 08:34;17am

The next file will have either a different date and time or just a different time but in all cases the date and times are all the same. If I was looking at this in a Windows GUI in real time in allocated space I would say it was created but never looked at again....

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Dates from Unallocated Space

Graphic files carved from unallocated areas are almost impossible to attribute date and time information to, however since the investigating team have done so, they must have a good reason for doing so especially if the date and times given are inconsistent with the seemingly associated movie files. This inconsistency could be explained by an unfaithfully maintained system clock so your assertion that the files could not have been accessed at the stated time (i.e. after seizure) relies on the accuracy of said clock.

It may be the case that the cached Art files are 'lost' or 'orphaned' files and hence the attributed timestamps and full paths being quoted. Their existence and provenance as Windows Media Player Art cache thumbnails suggests that they have been created as a result of their originating movie file having being viewed/played using Windows Media Player.

If you are suggesting that the investigating team...

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Escalating Prejudice: A Behavioral Analysis of Bias-Motivated Homicide Crime Scenes in the United States (1991-2001)


While an impressive body of research mostly focusing on descriptions of victims and offenders has developed around bias crime since official data collection began in 1991, little is known about the situational and behavioral dynamics that are involved in bias homicides. The purpose of this research is to analyze bias-motivated homicides using multidimensional scaling techniques to examine the behavioral characteristics of crime scenes for information that could be used to link offenders to crime scene behaviors and create a meaningful classification system for bias homicides. The data for this research represent all of the bias homicides reported to the UCR program in the ten years (1991-2001) following the passage of the Hate Crime Statistics Act (HCSA) of 1990. The case files of the bias homicides were coded to analyze the co-occurrences of behaviors and demographics for the presence of behavioral themes. These themes will be used to establish...

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Industries And Occupations At High Risk For Work-Related Homicide.


Homicide is the third leading cause of injury death in the workplace. The death certificate-based National Traumatic Occupational Fatalities surveillance system and estimates of annual employment were used to calculate average annual rates of work-related homicide for detailed industries and occupations for the nation for 1980 to 1989. Workers in the taxicab industry had the highest rate of work-related homicide (26.9 per 100,000 workers). High rates were also identified for workers providing public and private security, and in a number of retail trade and service industries. For many high-risk industries, the risk was excessive for male workers only. Differences between rates for black and nonblack workers varied across industries and occupations. Immediate efforts to protect workers, and long-term efforts to describe and study work-related homicide thoroughly and to evaluate interventions are needed.

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When The Killer Suffers: Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions Following Homicide


Objectives. The present study aimed to consider the extent to which post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs after homicide and to examine characteristics of the offence and the offender which contribute to the development of these symptoms. It was proposed that type of violence (reactive versus instrumental) would be related to PTSD symptoms. Using Blackburn's typology of violent offenders, it was also hypothesized that primary and secondary psychopath, controlled and inhibited types would demonstrate differing forms of violence, prevalences and patterns of post-traumatic stress symptoms following the homicide.

Method. Eighty homicide perpetrators were allocated equally to the four offender types based on their profiles on the Special Hospitals Assessment of Personality and Socialisation (SHAPS). Each offender completed the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Interview and the violence displayed during the index offence was classified as either reactive or instrumental.

Results. Of the total sample, 52% met criteria for current PTSD. Reactive...


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