ACPA Medications & Chronic Pain Supplement 2007


For over a quarter century, the American Chronic Pain Association, a non-profit, tax exempt organization, has offered a support system for people with chronic pain through education in pain management skills and self-help group activities. To learn more about the ACPA and how to become a member, please visit our web site at, or call the National Office at 800-533-3231. The ACPA Medications & Chronic Pain 2007 Supplement is updated yearly and includes web links for certain medications and relevant Internet sites of interest. Generic names are primarily listed with brand names in parentheses. This supplement is not meant to serve as medical advice for your condition or regarding your medication needs. Remember that the best source of information about your health and medication needs is from an open dialogue with your treating doctor. Prescription medications are lawfully available only from a health care professional licensed to prescribe them. Do not use them unless prescribed for you by such an individual...

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Remote Mind Control Technology

There had been an ongoing controversy over health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) for years (e.g., extremely low frequency radiation and the Navy's Project Seafarer; emissions of high power lines and video display terminals; radar and other military and industrial sources of radio frequencies and microwaves, such as plastic sealers and molders). Less is known of Department of Defense (DOD) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interest in anti-personnel applications of the invisible energies. The ability of certain parameters of EMF; to cause health effects, including neurological and behavioral disturbances, has been part of the military and CIA arsenal for years.

Capabilities of the energies to cause predictable and exploitable effects or damages can be gleaned from discussion of health effects from environmental exposures. Interestingly, some scientists funded by the DOD or CIA to research and develop invisible electromagnetic weapons have voiced strong concern (perhaps even superior knowledge or compensatory to guilt) over potentially serious consequences of environmental exposures.

Eldon Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons,...

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