Understanding and Evaluating Alienation in High-Conflict Custody Cases

Since 1980, when Wallerstein and Kelly first wrote about children who refused visitation with a parent, there has been considerable controversy about this topic. Much of the controversy exploded after Gardner coined the phrase “Parental Alienation Syndrome” (PAS) in 1985. Since that time, scholars have debated whether or not there is a syndrome related to parental alienation. Some have argued that there is no syndrome and that this is mostly a creation of Gardner’s with no validity. Others have argued that PAS does exist and that it is damaging to children. Some have argued that the primary cause of children refusing to visit the other parent is found in the behavior of the alienating parent while others have argued that there are multiple causes that lead to children refusing contact with one parent. There is also significant controversy about how to deal with alienation, with some arguing for...

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