Child Pornography, Prostitution And Predators: Has The Internet Placed Our Children At Risk?


Child exploitation and abuse is not a new phenomenon and has occurred since the beginning of time in all societies irrespective of culture, race, ethnicity, economic strength, religion and many other factors. The abuse of children can take many forms including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Nearly one million children are victims of child abuse and neglect in the United States each year. Every day nearly four children die as a result of abuse and neglect, most under the age of five. Globally, the number of maltreated children, the various ways in which they are maltreated and the differing ways in which societies define maltreatment or abuse make it difficult to enact standards which protect children from abuse and maltreatment. The molestation and sexual exploitation of children has been identified as a major public health issue. One in four girls and at least one in ten boys are sexually abused in some way by the age of 18.

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