A Primer On Hypnosis And Mind Control

The purpose of this paper is to provide some primary research tools for the layman to explore the many myths about hypnosis (is hypnotic mind control feasible -- absolutely!) and where, in the scientific literature, can I go to find out about it. Some months ago I stumbled across a transcription of a talk given by D. C. Hammond at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, June 25,1992. If you are unfamiliar with mind control or have not heard of this speech, also known as the Greenbaum Speech, stop now and read it. It is very frightening in its implications. On October 30, 1993 I had the opportunity to observe, what amounted to, a stage demonstration of a UFO abduction regression. My domestic partner was the "volunteer from the audience" who was placed under hypnosis as part of this demonstration. I was sitting in about the fifth row and was observing the proceedings intensely. I walked away from that with significantly...

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