Forensic DNA Identification from Human Remains Submerged in Water

ABSTRACT: We describe the successful identification of the remains of a saponified body found in a dam by typing of nuclear DNA. Whereas DNA extracted from soft tissues yielded negative PCR results, DNA extracted from the bone by a slightly modified Qiagen procedure allowed the typing of sex (AMG locus) and of 10 additional STR loci. An identity document was found belonging to a man missing for 3 years and comparison of the results to the DNA profiles of his son and wife confirmed the identity. The longest delay reported until now for successful nuclear DNA genotyping after immersion in river water was 18 months. This case demonstrates a delay of up to 3 years.

Recovery of human DNA from bones of severely decomposed bodies was reported for the identification of unidentified bodies like murder victims (1) or ancient human remains (2). Nevertheless, few studies concern genotyping of bodies immersed in water,the longest reported delay for successful identification being...

Additional Resource: Skeletal Remains Presumed Submerged in Water for Three Years Identified Using PCR-STR Analysis (3859 downloads )

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