Forensics With Sceneworks


We all have experienced the immense power of a text driven search in the internet via search engines: once we know the right keyword, the search-engines will "find it all", BUT if we don't ...., the screen stays empty.

On a smaller scale: is part of your job description to be a shareholder in the process of crime scene investigation? If so, did you ever have to communicate results via "clever named" folders or file names?

Here's our background: as a manufacturer of high-end (full spherical) cameras, some of our customers in the past were indeed police-photographers. They used the camera to document crime scenes. They figured: "... see the glas of water there. I actually do know that we have found a fingerprint on it. Wouldn't it be great to allow everyone in our team to immediately access the PDF with the fingerprint analysis by a simple mouse-click on the glass?...

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