Distribution of Crime
Why Does Aging Out Occur?
• Despite the debate over variance and invariance, “aging out of crime” is a general pattern.
• Explanations: Young people are risk-takers and thrill-seekers, whereas aging individuals become more concerned with ties to conventional society, families, and long-term rewards.“Aging out” and Three Strikes
• Three strikes laws create longer mandatory prison sentences for second and third time offenders.
• By the time an individual has received their second and third strike offense, they may be “aging out” of their criminality.
Part III. Gender
• Official police data and surveys suggest that males are much more likely to be offenders. For example, victim studies show that 80% of offenders are males. URC arrest ratio is about 3 male offenders to every one female, and 6 to 1 for violent crimes.
• Self-report data show smaller differences. Is this because of different types of crime?