The Integration Of Crime Analysis Into Patrol Work:

SECTION 1: Introduction

This guidebook has been developed for mid-level managers and commanders of police agencies who are looking for guidance in fully incorporating crime analysis into their agency, particularly into patrol. The guide presents a series of considerations and recommendations for crime analysis integration, provides crime analysis product examples that have been implemented into innovative police agencies around the United States, discusses key issues of implementation, and outlines an implementation framework strategy. Notably, this guide is not a detailed plan that can be taken and immediately adopted by any one agency, but is a practical overview of the importance of crime analysis and its usefulness and offers recommendations and examples for crime analysis integration. Importantly, the readers of the guide should have some level of understanding of crime analysis and its relevance for police practice. Although the value of crime analysis is discussed briefly, this guide primarily focuses on providing advice for agencies that are seeking to integrate crime analysis effectively. In addition, throughout this guidebook, the term “integration” refers to systematically using crime analysis processes and products as essential components of the everyday operations of a police agency. Integrated crime analysis involves merging the results of analysis with the patrol function and investigative elements of an agency so...

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