Starkweather Syndrome: Exploring Criminal History Antecedents of Homicidal Crime Sprees

Abstract:   Among the sample of convicted murderers, spree killers were noteworthy for their criminal versatility and sheer magnitude of crimes committed. Specifically, spree murderers killed nearly twice as many victims and attempted to kill more than 4 times as many victims as homicide offenders who did not engage in spree crime. In terms of the average levels of crimes committed during the course of their final homicide event, spree murderers committed significantly more rapes, robberies, assaults, acts of child molestation, kidnappings, burglaries, and weapon offenses. In terms of criminal history, fewer differences emerged between spree and non-spree murderers. Both groups of murderers had extensive convictions histories. However, spree murderers had significantly more prior convictions for robbery and child molestation, but fewer convictions for drug sales and use. Little is known about the criminal backgrounds of offenders who commit homicidal crime sprees. Spree murderers have variously been referred to as disorganized, impulsive,...

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