Origin and Function of the CIA: The “Cult of Intelligence”

The CIA was created at the outset of the Cold War by Truman's National Security Act of 1947. That Act was a response to Yalta, and to the general pervasive fear that, after WW II, the greatest threat to world peace was the communists. The CIA was mostly formed out of the reorganized OSS (Office of Strategic Services) which coordinated espionage and intelligence activities against the Nazis. (However, anti-communism was an overarching concern for the new agency, which enlisted some of its old enemies against a previous ally: many former Nazis functionaries, such as Richard Gehlen, were enlisted into the CIA spy network in Eastern Europe.) The mission the CIA was expressly charged with was the centralization and coordination of all the data from the intelligence agencies of the government - namely, those associated with the branches of the military service; and after 1952, the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconaissance Office, and the intelligence activities of the Atomic Energy Commission, State Department, ...

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Finders Cult of Washington, D.C.,


Little is known or been written about an enormously significant event that took place just over three decades ago involving a bizarre cult called the Finders. This presentation will examine all available documented evidence that includes recent, never before released public records from the police and US Customs investigations.[1] Other than a couple conspicuous mainstream media articles from February 1987 and a final follow-up in 1994, the critical importance of this “mysterious” group sometimes called “Finders Keepers” and its operation have largely been lost to the public. Despite the name – Finders Keepers – denoting procurers or finders of children kept as pedophile slaves, the CIA front that trafficked children for the elite has by careful design remained an obscure, strange footnote in history. But this gross omission conveniently disregards the compelling evidence acting as tangible proof that the Finders was a CIA front organization caught in the act of abducting and moving very young children across both US state lines...

Additional Resource: The “finders” Cult: A Cia Front Caught Red-handed In 1987 Trafficking Child Sex Slaves In Global Operation

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