Decomposition And Insect Succession On Cadavers Inside A Vehicle Environment


This study presents differences in rate of decomposition and insect succession between exposed carcasses on the soil surface and those enclosed within a vehicle following carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Nine 45-kg pigs were used as models for human decomposition. Six animals were sacrificed by CO gas, half of which were placed within the driver’s side of separate enclosed vehicles and half were placed under scavenger-proof cages on the soil surface. A further three animals were sacrificed by captive head bolt and placed under scavenger proof cages on the soil surface. The pattern of insect succession and rate of decomposition were similar between surface carcasses within trials regardless of the mode of death. Progression through the physical stages of decomposition was 3–4 days faster in the enclosed vehicle due to higher temperatures there compared to external ambient temperatures. Patterns of insect succession also differed between the vehicle and surface treatments. Carcass attendance by representatives of the Calliphoridae was delayed within the vehicle environment by 16–18 h, while oviposition...

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