Legal Rights of Persons’ with Disabilities

California and Federal Law

This handbook discusses both California and federal laws that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. California and federal law should be examined together to get a complete picture of the law on a particular topic. In some areas California law provides more legal protection or is more comprehensive; in other areas, federal law is more helpful.

Statutes, Regulations, and Cases

"The law" usually consists of a combination of statutes, regulations, and cases. Statutes are laws passed by legislators either in the state Capitol or in Congress. Statutes are generally fairly short and often do not describe the details of how the law will be enforced or what specifically will constitute a violation of law.

Various government agencies are often charged with developing regulations to carry out the mandates of statutes. These regulations usually describe the "nuts and bolts" of a statute's administration.

Finally, when cases go to court, judges issue opinions which resolve disputes in interpreting statutes and regulations.

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