How to Keep Out Unwanted Guests at Family Funerals

Are Funerals Public or Private?

When planning a wedding, it's easy to ban unwanted family members — simply don't invite them. The bride and groom, bride and bride, or groom and groom (and possibly their parents) get to choose who does and doesn't share the special day. No invitation = no entry.

But what about funerals? Although they are also highly personal occasions, they typically are wide open. Anyone and everyone who knew the deceased could come and pay their respects.

If you are in the position of planning a funeral or memorial service for a loved one, you have a lot to do in a short amount of time. If there have been estrangements, feuds, or tensions within the family, you have those to contend with as well.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Can you restrict attendance? Should you restrict attendance? What if the person you don't want at the funeral is...  

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