Identification Of Clandestine Grave Sites By Understanding Location Choices From An Environmental And Psychological Perspective
1.0 ABSTRACT What factors influence an offender’s decision-making process in choosing a particular clandestine grave site? This study attempts to answer this question and in doing so proposes that it is best answered using a multifaceted approach. This approach is required to appreciate how Winthropping is a relevant method to employ to understand these decision making factors. An offender’s decision-making process is affected by theoretical underpinnings in forensic psychology and environmental criminology. Forensic psychology informs us that the environment plays a significant role in influencing decisions made by an offender, who scours it consciously and subconsciously for relevant information about how best to commit their crime. Environmental criminology states that these decisions aggregate to form larger trends about how crime is committed across geographical areas and how best we can use these to apprehend offenders. Furthermore, knowledge gained by applying statistical methods such as Matrix Forecasting, and Behavioural Sequence Analysis...