Education and Training in Forensic Science: A Guide for Forensic Science Laboratories, Educational Institutions, and Students


Forensic science plays a crucial role in the justice system by providing scientific and foundational information for investigations and the courts.1 The Technical Working Group on Education and Training in Forensic Science (TWGED) focused primarily on education and training in those disciplines traditionally and generally associated with the work of forensic science laboratories, commonly referred to as “criminalistics.” (For more information on criminalistics, see “What Is ‘Criminalistics’?”) Criminalistics is the profession and scientific discipline directed toward the recognition, identification, individualization, and evaluation of physical evidence in legal proceedings by the application of the natural sciences. There are many other forensic science specialty areas whose educational and training requirements are distinctly different from the traditional laboratory science areas, such as forensic computer science, forensic entomology, and forensic psychology; these are more fully described in appendix A....

How to Use This Guide This Guide is intended for use by forensic science laboratories in hiring and training forensic scientists, educational institutions offering or seeking to establish forensic...

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Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)

In order to assist countries in conducting non-clinical research and drug development, TDR developed a Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) series in 2001, comprising a GLP Handbook as well as GLP Training manuals for trainers and trainees. The demand for this series was so substantial that it became one of the most frequent “hits” on the TDR website, generating interest and demand for a second edition. This Second-edition GLP series is presented here in a revised and updated format. It supports continued technology transfer and capacity-building in disease endemic countries (DECs) in line with the aims of the recent World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA 61.21) on a Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property WHO | Public Health, Innovation, Intellectual Property and Trade This Second-edition GLP Handbook contains all of the required support material for implementing GLP in a laboratory. The handbook comprises four parts, all updated, including: 1) explanation of the fundamentals of GLP; 2) support for GLP training; 3)...

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