Collection, Preservation And Forwarding Of Biolgical Samples For Toxicological Analysis In Medicolegal Autopsy Cases : A Review


Collection of proper autopsy specimen is an essential step in the process of toxicology case work.Improper collection of these specimens can greatly alter or negate chemical and toxicological analysis. This article is an update about the standard methods of biological specimen collection procedures for toxicological analysis which will be helpful for the forensic pathologist and forensic scientists.


In handling the Medicolegal autopsy cases, certain standard guidelines are necessary to be laid down to assist in the selection of appropriate specimens of the body fluids and tissue for postmortem biochemical and toxicological analysis.After death there is a rapid change in the cellular level biochemistry due to autolysis. The drugs and other poisons may be released from the binding sites in tissues and major organs.

The unabsorbed drug may diffuse from stomach, care should be taken in selection of blood and tissue sampling sites. Many a times the autopsy is conducted before all the...

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