An Examination of Souvenirs and Trophies in Serial Homicide


Current literature focuses on the taking of souvenirs and trophies as a means to preserve an experience and prolong fantasy. Additional literature regarding previous models of serial homicide have mentioned that souvenirs and/or trophies have been taken, and in some a profile is given of an offender type, but it is difficult to find an empirical study that reports a thorough examination of both frequency and which items are taken and how these relate to other activities during the crime. This study aimed to determine how frequently souvenirs and trophies are being taken during cases of serial homicide. Secondly it aimed to identify which crime scene behaviors and previous criminal convictions co-occur with the taking of souvenirs and trophies. Smallest Space Analysis was used to determine if behaviors such as forensic awareness, sexual assault, theft, control, post-mortem activities, fantasy prolonging and planning behaviors as well as which offender characteristics co-occur...

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