Speedball and Crack Injection in London | Groins, Veins and Injecting Environment

Speedball and crack injection in London groins, veins and injecting environment THE CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ON DRUGS AND HEALTH BEHAVIOUR Tim Rhodes Jo Kimber, Daniel Briggs, Vivian Hope, Greg Holloway, Steve Jones

2 crack and groin injecting Six City Study in England, n=952, 2003/2004, Hope et al o n=952, six locations o 45% groin injecting o 40% crack/speedball injecting o > 70% crack injection Bristol & Manchester, and > 50% London [Judd et al., 2005] o crack injectors more likely to be groin injectors (49% vs 34%) o groin injectors more likely to have an open wound infection (26% vs 18%) and DVT in last year (28% vs 8%) Rhodes et al. (2006) “Groin injecting in the context of crack cocaine and homelessness”, International Journal of Drug Policy, 17: 164-170.

4 qualitative study speedball injectors (n=44), Bristol and London, 2006 median age, 33 (range 23-53) male, 75% homeless in past year, 69% speedball in past month, 80% mean years speedball, 7 (<1-23 years)...

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