Live Casualty Simulation

Live Casualty Simulation

Instructors/Senior Medics make the BEST live simulated casualties. Instructors understand what happens to the human body once a traumatic injury is inflicted. In most cases, Instructors/Senior Medics have SEEN and TREATED an actual traumatic casualty. They will have a substantial understanding of what a traumatically injured patient should LOOK and ACT like. Therefore, if an Instructor/Senior Medic is used as the live simulated casualty, the simulation training will be more realistic. Moreover, what better way to test students than to have them ACTUALLY TREAT their instructors? If an Instructor/Senior Medic is not used as the live simulated casualty, a student or non-medical person should be briefed in detail on how they should ACT as a live simulated casualty.

Section 1 – Brief the Casualty

Each live simulated casualty must be briefed on EACH of their injuries BEFORE the training event is conducted. Live casualties must understand the impact of each wound on their body

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