Why Are Religious Delusions And Hallucinations So Prominent In Patients With Serious Mental Health Diagnoses, Especially Schizophrenia?
In patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, often delusions exist that either exalt the status of the patient (eg, the patient is God's representative on earth) or denigrate the patient (eg, God is sending messages to the patient specifying his/her sinfulness and need to be punished). Are there sociological or neurological explanations for the high prevalence of religious delusions and hallucinations?
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The schizoid constellation comprises a number of typical symptoms, present in greater or lesser amounts, further mitigated through numerous indiosyncratic aspects of each case, the time of onset, the number of years, and of course the individual triggers. The easiest way to answer that question - employing Occams razor for the least-words-being-the-best - would go to the essense of the communication with God business. Think of what would happen igf the pipeline from experience to memory suddenly developed leaks - the continuity of your memory...