Explosives Control | A Forgotten Management Function?
StrataGold Corporation (SGC), a directly held, wholly owned subsidiary of Victoria Gold Corp., has proposed to construct, operate, close and reclaim a gold mine in central Yukon. The Eagle Gold Project (Project) is located 85 km from Mayo, Yukon using existing highway and access roads. The Project will involve open pit mining and gold extraction using a three stage crushing process, heap leaching, and a carbon adsorption, desorption, and recovery system over the mine life. During operations, the open pit will be developed using standard drill and blast technology. Ore will be transported from the open pit by haul truck and delivered to the first stage crushing plant (the primary crusher), situated on the north side of the open pit rim. Waste rock will be removed from the open pit by haul truck and delivered to one of two waste rock storage areas (Platinum Gulch or Eagle Pup WRSAs). Ore will be crushed to a passing 80 percent (P80) particle size of 6.5 mm...
Additional Resource: Eagle Gold Project Explosives Management Plan (2636 downloads )