Iowa Missing Person Training Curriculum
Approximately 2 years ago I received information regarding grant monies that were available for state clearinghouses through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Immediately my thoughts went to the need for training in the area of missing persons. \-Vith new laws that had been passed and improved resources that were available to law enforcement agencies I felt the need for training in these areas to be very important. I not only wanted to be able to provide this training in the area of missing persons, I wanted to be able to make it available to all Iowa law enforcement agencies. I realized that many agencies did not have the funds to pay for the registration, travel or overnight stays for their personnel. I also realized there were those agencies that would not be able to allow personnel to be gone for any great length of time, due to the fact they were either understaffed or one man departments. The decision was made to apply for the grant monies and bring training to as many law enforcement agencies as possible by dividing the state into sixteen different regions and presenting a one day seminar in each region.