Sexually Motivated Child Abduction Murders: Synthesis of the Literature and Case Illustration


Sexual murders involving children generate intense media attention and widespread public concern, despite their infrequency. Empirical research on this type of murderer is surprisingly scarce in light of the interest in this topic. Most studies have looked at sexual murderers of adult women, neglecting to look at those who murder children. This article reviews the current research on sexual murderers of children, especially those who abduct their victims. Available literature suggests that sexual murderers of children tend to form a relatively homogeneous group, matching several characteristics of the sadistic offender, and differing from sexual murderers of adult women in several ways. Some sexual murderers of children abduct their victims. These crimes, which are usually committed by strangers, can be extremely difficult to investigate. Following the review and synthesis of the relevant literature, a case study of a man who abducted,..

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