Moment Of Truth: Medical Ethics And Human Rights In Narcoanalysis

The Supreme Court has declared illegal the use of medical technologies for investigation of individuals without their consent and several safeguards. Nevertheless, narcoanalysis, brain mapping and other medical technologies continue to be used. The participation of doctors in these practices erodes the very core of the medical profession, writes Amar Jesani

I did not know Dr Ramanadham personally, though he was active at the same time I was in the trade union and human rights movements. His work inspired many of us, for the involvement of medical professionals in doing something progressive is quite rare in India. Amongst such rare doctors today is Dr Binayak Sen, who has used his professional skills only for the poor, and involved himself in human rights work (he was imprisoned on false charges by the Chhattisgarh government). Incidentally, both Dr Ramanadham and Dr Sen specialised as paediatricians.

The participation of some doctors in the violation of democratic rights or in conservative and anti-people activities is

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