Certain Factors Pertaining to the Value of Narcoanalysis in Securing Testimony

FOR centuries it has been known that certain drugs such as alcohol, hashish, mescal, cocaine, opiates and others could in varying degrees reduce an individual's conscious self-control and volition and might cause him to reveal feelings, experiences and ideas which he otherwise would not express. The Latin expression "in vino veritas" illustrates that the ancient Romans were aware of such effects. Not only are the psychic inhibitory functions af- fected varyingly by the above drugs, but further, the capacity to experience danger or threat to one's security is altered. For instance, there is a reduction in the awareness of disturbing feelings of anxiety and guilt which often underlie inhibitory defensive reactions. In more recent years, certain rapidly acting barbiturates such as sodium amytal and pentothal administered intravenously were found to be particularly useful for such purposes. In World War II, psychiatrists made extensive use of these two barbiturates, particularly for purposes of abreaction and catharsis of traumatic emotional experiences result

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