State Standards Charts for Assisted Treatment Civil Commitment Criteria and Initiation Procedures by State


This document contains critical state-by-state information about civil commitment laws and criteria for inpatient and outpatient treatment, emergency hospitalization for psychiatric evaluation, and initiating proceedings for court-ordered intervention in a mental health emergency. Each chart may also be found as an individual document under LEGAL RESOURCES on the Treatment Advocacy Center site. While we hope you find this document helpful, please note that the charts summarize only the most crucial provisions of the pertinent statutes for each state. This information does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for seeking legal counsel.

Assisted Psychiatric Treatment
Inpatient and Outpatient Standards by State
The following chart captures the most essential information about the laws for inpatient and outpatient assisted treatment in each state court ordered treatment for symptoms of severe mental illness. Please note that while this chart contains much of each standard’s actual language, it summarizes only the most crucial provisions

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