Aggressive Responses To Betrayal: Type Of Relationship, Victim’s Sex, And Nature Of Aggression

The present investigation explored young adults’ aggressive responses to hypothetical and actual episodes of betrayal. In two studies, we tested the following hypotheses: (a) aggressive responses would be most severe in romantic relationships when compared with friendships; (b) men and women would respond similarly to betrayal; and (c) verbal aggression would be more frequently described than physical and psychological aggressive tactics. Participants endorsed greater use of verbal aggressive tactics in response to hypothetical transgressions committed in romantic relationships when compared with friendships. In response to actual transgressions, betrayals in friendships and romantic relationships elicited similar reactions. As predicted, no sex differences were found in responses to betrayals.Betrayal is one of the most devastating experiences in a romantic relationship. A betrayal is defined as an act committed by a relational partner that goes against the other partner’s expectations of the relationship and, as a result, causes pain to that individual (Jones & Burdette, 1994)...

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