Sport Sponsorship As An Image Development Opportunity For New Brands


Brand managers are increasingly using sport sponsorships as a marketing communications vehicle. While brand exposure to a target audience is a primary sponsorship goal, many firms also believe a sport association can be an effective way to enhance brand image. This paper attempts to add to our understanding of this topic by examining the role that sponsorships may play in helping to establish the identity of a brand that is new to the marketplace. Specifically, image transfer effects from sport to brand in the case of a new brand were explored. A second goal of the study was to assess the moderating effect that sponsorship level may have on potential image transfer. With the assistance of previous research in the area of brand associations, schema theory, and congruity theory, hypotheses were developed and tested via two experiments. The experimental results indicated that an announced sponsorship possesses the ability to influence initial image perceptions for a new brand.

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