Attorney General Opinion | Bill Lockyer

Is the state or a county responsible for the payment of the costs of (1) a report required before a court may consider suspension of a defendant’s sentence, where the defendant has been convicted of a lewd or lascivious act on a minor under 14, (2) an examination of a defendant’s mental competency, (3) an examination of a defendant, who has been convicted of a felony, to determine whether an involuntary civil commitment should be made due to narcotics addiction, (4) an examination of a person, in the absence of a criminal proceeding, to determine whether a civil commitment should be made due to narcotics addiction, (5) an examination and testimony in connection with an involuntary civil commitment of a person believed to be imminently dangerous to others, (6) evaluations and counsel regarding a civil commitment due to an inmate being a sexually violent predator, and (7) an examination of a defendant where a plea of “not guilty by reason of insanity” has been entered?

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