Prohibited Persons Notice Form and Power of Attorney for Firearms Relinquishment, Sale or Disposal (Penal Code Section 12021, subd. (d)(2))

Any person who has been convicted of a felony, a specified misdemeanor, or a specified firearms offense; who is addicted to narcotics; who is the subject of a protective order; or who has been found by a court or mental facility to have certain mental disabilities is prohibited by California law from possessing firearms. Please refer to the accompanying document entitled “State of California Firearms Prohibiting Categories” for a complete list of the firearms prohibitions in state law.

Note: The duration of prohibitions vary. Also, federal law may impose additional and/or more restrictive prohibitions on firearms possession. Therefore, a person who is entitled to possess firearms under state law may nevertheless be prohibited from possessing firearms under federal law. For specific legal advice about the duration of a state prohibition, whether a state prohibition is still in effect, or whether federal law prohibits the possession of firearms, please consult with an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the State of California

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