Homicide Trials Reimbursement


In 1961, the Legislature (Stats. 1961, ch. 2115) instituted, through the addition of a chapter in the Government Code (§§ 15200 et seq.), a system whereby the state would share with counties the cost of certain homicide trials. The legislative intention was expressed in section 15200: ‘The Legislature hereby declares that: (1) The uniform administration of justice throughout the State is a matter of statewide interest; (2) The prosecution and conduct of trials of persons accused of homicide should not be hampered or delayed by any lack of funds available to the counties for such purposes; (3) A county should not be required to bear the entire costs of a trial involving a homicide if such costs will seriously impair the finances of the county; and (4) It is the intention of the Legislature in enacting this chapter to provide for state assistance to counties in such emergency situations....

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