Appendix 1: Autopsy Protocol in Case of GunshotWounds and Intoxication

The body is received clothed in a white sleeveless T-shirt, black running pants, blue bikini underwear and blue and black flip-flops sandals. A gunshot defect is in the left pectoral region of the T-shirt, with no soot or gunpowder on the surrounding fabric.

External Examination: 28 May 2003 at 1255 hours
The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished man who appears consistent with the above-stated length, weight, and age. The body length is personally measured at 65. Rigor mortis is fully developed. Livor mortis is posterior, partially blanches with digital pressure, and extends to the posterior axillary line. The body is cold from refrigeration. The anterior aspect of the left shoulder has a few small postmortem tan-yellow ant bites. The scalp is atraumatic and is covered by straight black hair in a full distribution. The skin is light brown. The irides are brown and the pupils are midsized.5 The conjunctivae have no petechiae. Facial hair comprises a mustache and chin whiskers.

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