Disposition Of Dead Bodies Policy No. 12-03

Unclaimed dead bodies/remains disposition: In accordance with Florida Statutes (F.S.), section 406.50, the State Anatomical Board located at the University of Florida Health Science Center, must be immediately notified each time any public officers, agents, or employees of Hernando County and every person in charge of any prison, morgue, hospital, funeral parlor, or mortuary and all other persons coming into possession, charge, or control of any dead human body or remains which are unclaimed or which are required to be directly cremated at public expense.
Notification of the anatomical board is NOT required if the death was:
1) caused by crushing injury,
2) deceased had a contagious disease,
3) autopsy was required to determine cause of death,
4) body was in a severe state of decomposition,
5) relative, by blood or marriage, claims the body for burial at the expense of the relative,
6) any friend, or any representative of a fraternal society of which the deceased was a member, or a representative of any charitable or religious organization, or a governmental agency which was providing residential care to the indigent person at the time of his or her death claims the body for burial at their expense.

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