Boca Adopts Nightclub Security Ordinance Over Bar Owners’ Objection

It has taken Boca Raton more than a year to nail down a nightclub security ordinance designed to control underage drinking and cut down on alcohol-related violence and misbehavior. While Boca was still working on its proposal, both Palm Beach and Broward counties adopted regulations similar to those the Boca Raton City Council approved Tuesday night. Despite the length of time Boca worked on its ordinance, it didn’t pass without objection from a local bar owner. Michael Tice, operator of Murphy’s downtown, told the board he helped work on the legislation, “and this one is the worst version yet.” He said the law will hurt operators of clubs with a 4COPS (For consumption on premises) license, which is very costly. It also applies to BC or bottle clubs, where people bring alcohol in themselves, said Alexander. Restaurants that serve more food than spirits have SRX licenses, and...

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