School Based Mental Health

Definition of School-Based Mental Health
The term “school-based mental health” has become a commonly used phrase much like the phrase “community-based mental health services” or “less restrictive environment.” These terms appear to have a common meaning among the professionals that use them without any further specification needed. However, as concepts evolve from rhetoric to actual implementation, definitions and clarity of the parameters of the concept become more important. This was the case with the term “community-based,” as advocates pressed for mental health services for children to become less restrictive (e.g., non-hospital based) and move to community-based services. However, it was soon realized that some hospital-based services could also be community-based and the concept of “community-based” was refined to include any necessary resource that could involve the family and was the least restrictive environment available to address the needs of the child. The term “school-based mental health services” now needs a clearer conceptual framework. The term has generally come to be understood as any...

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