Incident Report Instructions Released by: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division

1 Introduction

The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program‘s primary objective is to collect reliable and detailed criminal information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. Criminologists, sociologists, legislators, municipal planners, the media and students of criminal justice use the data for varied research and planning purposes. SLED‘s UCR Program prepared this manual to assist Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) in reporting crime statistics via South Carolina Incident-Based Reporting System (SCIBRS). It addresses both National Incident-Based Reporting (NIBRS) and SCIBRS policies, the types of offenses reported and guidelines for an agency to become certified to submit NIBRS and SCIBRS data.

1.1 Background of the South Carolina Incident-Based Reporting System

South Carolina was the first state to implement an operational state UCR program, SLED administered the program. The information collected and the uniform classification under which it is collected are based directly upon the guidelines developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)....

See Also: South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System (SCIBRS) TRAINING MANUAL (3403 downloads )

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