Video Evidence Analysis Programme Update

The profile of video and CCTV within law enforcement has never been higher. The Video Evidence Analysis (VEA) programme at HOSDB assists police in their use of video via the production of guidance and development work. It is steered in its work by a User Group consisting of representatives from UK police video units and chaired by DCC Graeme Gerrard of Cheshire Constabulary. This update provides information on the latest key developments in the work of the VEA team.

The Digital Imaging Procedure is a guide for those practitioners within the Police and CJS who are involved with the capture, retrieval, storage or use of evidential digital images. It is focused around a flowchart that guides the reader through the process from the initial preparation and capture of images, through the transfer and designation of Master and Working Copies, to the presentation in court and finally the retention and disposal of exhibits. This new version of the Procedure maintains the overall structure...

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