Finders Cult of Washington, D.C.,

The following file is presented in three parts, part one consists of a cover letter which accompianied an information packet on the Finders cult of Washington, D.C., the author of this letter is unknown. Part two consists of the complete text of an article from U.S. News and World Report entitled “Through A Glass, Very Darkly,” concerning the 1987 police investigation of the Finders and the subsequent cover-up of all incriminating evidence against them by the CIA. Part three consists of actual Customs Service documents concerning the Finders investigation, of special interest is the Memo To File which contains details of evidence seized at the Finders warehouse in Washington, D.C., which clearly show direct violations of national and international law and evidence of the ritual and sexual abuse of children. Also of interest is Report No. 2, in which the Customs Service is advised by the Washington Metropolitan Police Department that the Finders case had become a “CIA internal matter,” and all evidence seized during the raid was classified as SECRET, effectively ending the Finders investigation.

The names of the law enforcement officals have been deleted from this posting, but anyone wishing to obtain complete copies of these documents are advised to send an SASE to: Bob Dunn, c/o The Fortean Research Center, P.O. Box 94627, Lincoln, Ne. 68509. I am not associated with the AWT, Inc. mentioned in the Intro, and do not endorse “The Franklin Coverup” or John DeCamp.

Bob Dunn 03/12/95


For many years there has been rumors and hearsay comments by certain individual law enforcement officers that a certain U.S. government intelligence agency was kidnapping children and using them as sex toys to entrap, blackmail and manipulate politicians, diplomats and other officials. Up until now there has been no clearcut, irrefutable evidence available to the public. But now, finally, the public has “smoking gun” evidence of pedophile kidnapping/abuse rings operated by a U.S. government intelligence agency.

Attached is a copy of an important, startling and disgusting article which was bravely published by U.S. News and World Report, titled “Through A Glass, Very Darkly.”

Attached to this article is clearcut corroborating “smoking gun” evidence which consists of official U.S. Customs investigation reports which have been completely authenticated by the investigating officers who wrote them and by a well respected Congressional investigator who personally knows these Customs officials.

These official U.S. Customs investigation reports are irrefutable evidence of:

1 A case of obvious child neglect/abuse involving child pedophile sexual abuse/child pornography/Satanic cult ritualistic abuse wherein the perpetrators were caught directly in the act by law enforcement, arrested on the basis of irrefutable evidence at the scene, and faced serious charges which typically bring sentences of decades in prison.

2 Whereas, search warrants were obtained for the “Finders” cult office in Washington, D.C. and a complete search was enacted by law enforcement which provided irrefutable pictures, movies and documents of such above abuse/neglect and evidence of access to the confidential arrest reports on the “Finders” cult from the arrests in Tallahassee which occurred only a day earlier (suggesting very high level connections to U.S. intelligence agencies in and of itself).

3 Whereas, all investigation of the “Finders” cult by the FBI, U.S. Customs and local law enforcement was ordered stopped by the U.S. Justice Department on the grounds of “national security” and the matter of the “Finders” cult was turned over to the Central Intelligence Agency as an “internal security matter,” since the “Finders” is and has been a domestic and international covert operation of the Central Intelligence Agency.

4 Whereas, any and all investigation of the “Finders” cult was immediately stopped, all evidence was suppressed and denied, the abused children were released back to the adult perpetrators who had been arrested “in the act” and the CIA resumed its ongoing covert operation of the “Finders” cult which is used to procure and produce:

The development of child/assets to be used to entrap politicians, diplomats; corporate and law enforcement officials; to sell such child/victims to wealthy perverts to raise money for covert operations, to train some of the child/victims to be professional operatives and assassins of a totally cold, multiple personality, mind control nature.

This most disgusting perversion perpetrated by our government needs to be exposed. To date only one media outlet has dared publish anything about this (U.S. News).

Please, make copies of this packet, give it to all your friends, associates and neighbors, send it to your local media and demand investigation and coverage, send it to all your congressmen, senators and state and local politicians and demand investigation. Give a copy to your local police chief and any police officers or government officials you know. Make a minimum of five copies and much more if you can afford it. This information cvvan be distributed as a “chain letter” and can create massive exposure, thus posing a major force to manipulate the CIA to stop the perpetration of these major felony and criminal acts of the most disgusting variety.

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