The Psychopath As Pimp


Although the study of psychopathy has become a significant area for research in recent years, relatively little attention has been paid to examining the role of psychopa-thy in offenders who live off the avails of prostitution (i.e., “pimps”). It may be argued that this dearth in the literature is surprising given that psychopathy is defined by a unique set of interpersonal and affective characteristics that theoretically should facilitate the business of pimping. As such, the present investigation attempted to profile characteristics of perpetrators who engage in pimping. As expected, psychopathy was an important feature of these perpetrators: over one-third of the 22 perpetrators examined met the diagnostic cut-off of 30 on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. To expand our understanding of pimps and their actions, other important perpetrator characteristics were also examined. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to criminal justice factors

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Sexual Identities And Sex Work – Interrogating The Interface A Study On Constructed Identities Among Female Sex Workers In Kampala


We have arrived in the sexual tower of Babel where a world of past silences has to be breached. (Plummer 1996) This quote from the work of Plummer is very telling and gives scholars the energy to ask new questions about sexuality and what it means in the current discourse on gender and work. We recognize that sexuality as a subject of study in the social sciences has gained currency by moving the domain of knowledge production away from the psychologists and psychiatrists to the social sciences. For long, our knowledge on sexuality was anchored within the totalizing discourse of the “pure sciences” that suggests that sexuality was one thing to everyone in the world and was an aspect of our biology with an inherent energy that can be used to explain all behaviors of people. The heterosexual married couple was the right mode of living and any differences were deviations that had to be explained scientifically. ...

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Pimp-Controlled Prostitution

A pimp is one who controls the actions and lives off the proceeds of one or more women who work the streets. Pimps call themselves “players” and call their profession “the game.” The context in which this subculture existsis called “the life” (Milner & Milner, 1972). Social scientists of the 1960s and 1970s devoted a significant amount of research energies toward exposing and understanding pimp-controlled prostitution within street-level prostitution (Goines, 1972; Heard, 1968; Milner & Milner, 1972; Slim, 1967, 1969). Street-level prostitution entails sexual acts for money or for barter that occur on and off the streets and include sexual activities in cars and motels, as dancers in gentlemen’s clubs, massage parlor work, truck stops, and crack house work (Williamson, 2000). It represents that segment of the prostitution industry where there is the most violence. Current prostitution-related research on women focuses heavily on the independent woman’s involvement in prostitution (Alexander, 1987; McKeganey & Barnard, 1996; Miller, 1995; Scambler & Scambler, 1997). Parallel to this undertaking isa body of works devoted more specifically to the prostitute’s present involvement with crack cocaine...

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An Empirical Analysis of Street-Level Prostitution


Combining transaction-level data on street prostitutes with ethnographic observation and official police force data, we analyze the economics of prostitution in Chicago. Prostitution, because it is a market, is much more geographically concentrated than other criminal activity. Street prostitutes earn roughly $25-$30 per hour, roughly four times their hourly wage in other activities, but this higher wage represents relatively meager compensation for the significant risk they bear. Prostitution activities are organized very differently across neighborhoods. Where pimps are active, prostitutes appear to do better, with pimps both providing protection and paying efficiency wages. Condoms are used only one-fourth of the time and the price premium for unprotected sex is small. The supply of prostitutes is relatively elastic, as evidenced by the supply response to a 4th of July demand shock. Although technically illegal, punishments are minimal for prostitutes and johns. A prostitute is more likely to have sex with a police officer than to get officially arrested by one. We estimate...

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Analysis of Street-Based Prostitution in New York City


Police and prostitutes engage in a cat-and-mouse dynamic, in which the police seek to control the activities of prostitutes, and prostitutes respond by trying to avoid them. This report examines the impact of law enforcement approaches to street-based sex work in New York City and proposes a series of policy and practice recommendations for reform based on the researchers’ analyses of the data collected. This report also seeks to promote reasoned, fact-based, and informed debate regarding street-based prostitution in New York City. Public discussion of this issue usually occurs in flashy headlines that are meant to titillate rather than to explore the consequences of policy decisions in depth. This is a special effort to give voice to the problems faced by street-based sex workers, using their own words, since this is a voice that is almost always left out of policy debates. We propose recommendations based on programmatic possibilities that can create effective solutions for this population and the broader community.The researchers focused on...

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Video Evidence Analysis Programme Update

The profile of video and CCTV within law enforcement has never been higher. The Video Evidence Analysis (VEA) programme at HOSDB assists police in their use of video via the production of guidance and development work. It is steered in its work by a User Group consisting of representatives from UK police video units and chaired by DCC Graeme Gerrard of Cheshire Constabulary. This update provides information on the latest key developments in the work of the VEA team.

The Digital Imaging Procedure is a guide for those practitioners within the Police and CJS who are involved with the capture, retrieval, storage or use of evidential digital images. It is focused around a flowchart that guides the reader through the process from the initial preparation and capture of images, through the transfer and designation of Master and Working Copies, to the presentation in court and finally the retention and disposal of exhibits. This new version of the Procedure maintains the overall structure...

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Strip Club Testimony

The purpose of this paper is to investigate women's experiences in stripclubs and to describe the activities in stripclubs from the women's point of view. The format approach is collective story narrative with the author as part of the collective voice. The research was inspired by the author’s experiences in stripping over the course of thirteen years. The author’s intention is to examine the conditions of stripclubs by describing the fundamental way stripclubs are organized. The description features bar activities focused on stripper-customer interactions; survey data on sexual violence in stripclubs; and women's thoughts on stripping.

Stripclubs are popularly promoted as providing harmless entertainment and as places where respectful men go to watch and talk to women (Reed 1997). Stripclub customers are described as normal men who use stripclubs to avoid adultery and therefore find a safe outlet for their sexual desires in balance with their marital commitments (Reed 1997). In contrast, stripclubs are criticized for being environments where men exercise their social, sexual,...

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Show Me How You See: Lessons from Studying Computer Forensics Experts for Visualization


As the first part of a Analyze-Visualize-Validate cycle, we have initiated a domain analysis of email computer forensics to determine where visualization may be beneficial. To this end, we worked with police detectives and other forensics professionals. However, the process of designing and executing such a study with real-world experts has been a non-trivial task. This paper presents our efforts in this area and the lessons learned as guidance for other practitioners.

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Scan Converters and Retrieving Digital CCTV Images

The use of digital technology within the security industry has revolutionised CCTV systems. Unfortunately, along with the undoubted benefits that this development has introduced, police video technicians needing to extract information from such systems have experienced fresh difficulties beyond those encountered with analogue systems. There is a hierarchy of preferred export methods currently employed by the police. At the top of this list is the removal of data in its original digital format via CD, DVD, hard disk drive, etc. However, the design of digital CCTV systems has often not fully taken account of their role in crime investigation. Consequently, when police video technicians attempt to retrieve evidential video in this form, they often find that it may not be possible to do so or that extraction in this manner is prohibitively time consuming. Many digital CCTV systems have a ‘Video Out’ connection available, allowing an analogue signal to be output and subsequently recorded. Police video practitioners will use this method...

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Organ Trafficking: Legislative Proposals to Protect Minors


For the many afflicted with organ failure, organ substitution is often the only viable, life-saving option. As medical advances with antirejection drugs have yielded high success rates,' the demand for organ transplants has increased at a rate greatly exceeding supply? This void has spawned an international trade in adult organs to meet the excessive demand for organs and to bypass Western countries' laws prohibiting financial remuneration for organ donations.This documented trade in adult organs and the paucity of organs for medical transplants have fueled fears of a thriving criminal market in children's organs. Beginning in 1987, rumors of such a trade to North America, Europe, and Israel, have raged throughout Latin America.' These rumors remain unsubstantiated." Nonetheless, the fear runs rampant in Latin America. Angry and frightened Guatemalan crowds recently attacked American women, whom they suspected were involved in trafficking in children's organs.' These attacks on American citizens arguably damage the reputation of the United States,'3 decrease international adoptions,' and discourage organ donations.'"...

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Mugshot Exposure Effects: Retroactive Interference, Mugshot Commitment, Source Confusion, and Unconscious Transference

More than 25 years of research has accumulated concerning the possible biasing effects of mugshot exposure to eyewitnesses. Two separate metaanalyses were conducted on 32 independent tests of the hypothesis that prior mugshot exposure decreases witness accuracy at a subsequent lineup. Mugshot exposure both significantly decreased proportion correct and increased the false alarm rate, the effect being greater on false alarms. A mugshot commitment effect, arising from the identification of someone in a mugshot, was a substantial moderator of both these effects. Simple retroactive interference, where the target person is not included among mugshots and no one in a mugshot is present in the subsequent lineup, did not significantly impair target identification. A third metaanalysis was conducted on 19 independent tests of the hypothesis that failure of memory for facial source or context results in transference errors. The effect size was more than twice as large for "transference" studies involving mugshot exposure in proximate temporal context with the target than for "bystander" studies with no subsequent mugshot exposure.

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Lighting Hypertext of Disease

Lightning Hypertext of Disease. The Lightning Hypertext of Disease. © 1991-1996, Pathology Informatics, Inc. Search date and time: Mon Nov 25 23:15:48 EST 1996 Input Search String: !semen! Search word semen: 12 hits. Combined (Boolean-and) Word-Count: 12 hits.


* Information Screen: 1 for: semen ###3557 RAPE SPECIMEN INTERPRETATION: BLOOD GROUPS. Secretor versus non secretor. Peptidase A. Phosphoglucomutase. Glyoxalase 1. ABO blood type. If the assailant is a secretor, then he will secrete his blood group antigens into his semen. Approximately 80% of people are secretors, and this can be determined on a suspect by analysis of the saliva. key words: forensic, DF


* Information Screen: 2 for: semen ###3558 RAPE SPECIMEN INTERPRETATION: ACID PHOSPHATASE AND P30. Endogenous vaginal acid phosphatase is present in low concentrations so high levels are proof of ejaculation. Acid phosphatase usually remains active for up to 12 hours after ejaculation. P30 is a glycoprotein that is semen-specific. key words: forensic, DF

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Incapacitating Agents


As defined in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, to “incapacitate” means “to deprive of strength or ability.” The word is not synonymous with paralysis, confusion, or any other specific affliction. It is a general term, implying neither global inability to act nor any particular type of disability. For example, blurred near vision might be incapacitating for a computer programmer or air traffic controller but probably would not be incapacitating for a laborer or a football player. Consequently, when the word incapacitating is used, we should ask, “incapacitating for what activity?” Used in a military context, incapacitation is understood to mean inability to perform one’s military mission. Since missions vary, we could theoretically consider a particular agent to be incapacitating if it disrupts aspects of performance vital to a particular mission. Impaired hearing might incapacitate a translator, a severe tremor might incapacitate a sniper, and so forth. In this chapter, however, incapacitation means the inability to perform anymilitary task effectively and implies that the condition...

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High-Conflict and Violent Parents in Family Court

The following guidelines for the disposition of custody and visitation disputes where there has been domestic violence between parents were developed through a process of community involvement and dialogue among concerned professionals and administrators of public and private agencies. The goal of this process was (a) to review relevant research findings in order to specify the problems to be solved, (b) to develop consensus about the principles that should guide any intervention, (c) to propose specific strategies for resolving the problems, and (d) to discuss the pragmatics of instituting the proposed changes in court policies and procedures. As the guidelines were drafted, representatives from two domestic violence agencies within the two counties were the study reported in Section I was conducted were consulted regularly. These agencies were the Marin Abused Women’s Services and the San Mateo Battered Women’s Services. In addition, information about other states’ laws, policies, and procedures were obtained from Battered Women’s Coalitions in seven states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Minnesota,...

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Family Secrets: Law and Understandings of Openness in Everyday Relationships


Uncovering old or historical family secrets has become an enjoyable pastime yet in contemporary families the keeping of secrets, especially those relating to reproduction and paternity, is seen increasingly as undesirable. This article explores these issues and the growing tendency for family law and policy to favour exposing genetic truths seeing this form of scientific veracity as crucial to child welfare and equality. The article explores the changing contexts of family secrets (using data drawn from the Mass Observation Archive) and seeks to locate these secrets in their cultural and historical context. An argument against imposing a simple solution (in the form of genetic truth) onto complex relationships is pursued.


Uncovering family secrets has become a popular pastime. Not only do stories of revealed family secrets make good newspaper copy, but genealogical searches are often tinged with the prospective excitement of finding a family secret buried in the past. Stories of illegitimacy, bigamy and even criminality seem to become charming, as long as they...

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Exploring the Drugs-Crime Connection within the Electronic Dance Music..


This report explores how the cultural ethos, behavioral norms, activities, and individual and group identities (subcultural phenomena), inherent to the electronic dance music (EDMtrance, house, and techno music) and the hip hop/rap (HH) nightclub scenes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania impact the relationship between alcohol, drugs, and crime, with additional attention to victimization (the ADC+V relationship). These two music scenes provide a major source of leisure and entertainment activity for many young adults today, yet the subcultures surrounding them are disparate and have been linked to diverse social problems, including alcohol and illegal drug abuse, criminal activity and victimization. This understudied, but increasingly popular social phenomenon has the potential to expand the scope of the drugs - crime debate to settings and populations not previously studied, and also to account for increasingly salient issues in contemporary society. We also elaborate on how the ADC+V relationship varies by two dimensions: the demographic make-up of participants (e.g., race/ethnicity and gender) and their involvement with and commitment to the subcultures...

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