Offender and Offense Characteristics of a Nonrandom Sample of Adolescent Mass Murderers


Objective: The authors conducted a descriptive, archival study of adolescent ($19 years of age) mass murderek-subjects who intentionally killed three or more victims in one event-to identify demographic, clinical, and forensic characteristics. Method: A nonrandom sample of convenience of adolescent mass murderers was utilized. Reaulta: Thirty-four subjects, acting alone or in pairs, committed 27 mess murders between 1958 and 1999.The sample conslsted of males with a median age of 17. A majority were described as'loners" and abused alcohol or drugs; almost half were bullied by others, preoccupied with violent fantasy, and violent by history. Although 23% had a documenled psychiatric history, only 6% were judged to have been psychotic at the time of the mass murder. Depressive symptoms and hlstorlcal antisocial behaviors were predominant. There was a precipitating event In most cases--usually a perceived failure In love or schod4nd most subjects made threatening statements regarding the mass murder to third partles...

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